Chapter 3: The Match

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As Landen entered into the Advancement School's training room, he instantly noticed his training teacher, Mr. Riley. In one hand, he held the standard clipboard that assigned which Gifted student would spar against who for the day, and in the other, he held a lightweight protective gear he'd require the two Gifted fighting to put on and wear during their sparring match. Mr. Riley was surrounded by a large group of Gifted students, each possessing their own elemental or telekinetic based power and awaiting orders.

"Ah, Landen, you've made it," said Mr. Riley. "Your match with Dez begins very shortly. Start putting on your protective gear before we begin."

Mr. Riley proceeded to hand Landen one of the grey colored lightweight suits to put on over his regular clothes.

A few minutes after gearing up, Landen noticed Dez enter the training room with a sense of confidence and excitement radiating from him. Dez didn't exchange any words to Landen, he only shot him a simper expression before walking toward Mr. Riley to quickly pick up and put on his training gear.

The smirk Dez gave Landen wasn't an ordinary one. Landen analyzed him, he could tell his best friend was different. He was confident, perhaps too confident.

"Alright you two," said Mr. Riley. "You know the rules. As always, a fair, clean fight between the both of you. You will be tested based on your battle performance, so I'm expecting nothing but your all. Now start heading over toward your respective sides of the training field so we can begin. As for everyone else, head up to the balcony and wait for your turn."

Nodding their heads, both Landen and Dez began toward their respective sides of the extensive training field, eager to start their sparring match. As Landen walked along his side of the training field, toward the circle in the center, he forms a confident smile on his face, remembering nearly every detail of the room. The exact details of the facility came in wildly vivid to him, its every description unable to escape his mind.

The room was large, all metallic, and colored dark grey with a row of rectangular glass mirrors hanging beside each other across the room. On the opposite part of these mirrors laid a white hall that ran down the line of glass mirrors, giving passersby a view of the training room. Rows of smaller glass mirrors aligned next to each other sat a little higher above from the ones below. Rays of light continually bounced off the glasses' reflection.

There was also a big, bright white light emanating high from the ceiling in the very center of the room. It gained light by a vast, blue, oval light source. At the center of the room rested the dividing circle. It was very wide, effortlessly able to hold a lot of people on opposite sides of it, with a center short line dividing the two sides. This was in place to prevent either opponent from having an advantage over the other in combat due to having too much ground.

There were two grey stairway walkways on the opposite ends of the large room, both leading to a sliding door on each opposing end. A metallic balcony sat high on the left side of the building. It overlooked the entire room, giving large view to the Gifted students prepared to watch the match between the two boys below.

Upon hearing some of the students on the balcony cheer out his name in anticipated excitement, Landen was fueled by confidence and energy. He had experienced many training matches over the years, but his favorites were always the ones with Dez. The students continued to cheer and shout, with some rooting on Dez. Paying the opposition little to no mind, Landen knew he had to keep up his reputation as the strongest Gifted student in attendance.

His power was little ever matched by others, but Dez always put up a good fight, Landen thought as he reached his side of the center circle. It was time to show everyone what he had and prove that he was called the strongest at the school for a reason. He also knew he couldn't let down his parents and sister after training so hard and coming so far.

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