IX: Unfixable

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IX: Unfixable

Third POV

A short-stacked woman moved busily in her small kitchen, preparing a lunch of fish, rice, and veggies. She tossed different ingredients into the dish to accentuate the flavor.

"Shoot, I forgot the salt at the Suzumura's place..." she muttered under her breath, before lightly dusting herself and wiping the water from the steam that reached her face.

She and the surrounding neighbors were close enough to ask for small things like sugar or salt.

Tugging down the rolled-up sleeves of the maroon turtleneck she wore she figure she'd pay them a quick visit.

Calmly exiting the home, she headed two doors down to the right before knocking on the door. Unbeknownst to the three people whose figures were concealed by the bordering wall.

Watching her.

"Daigo and Nobu, this is the place Swordkil said right?" Camie questioned, leaning farther out to see the side of Inko's face before the woman disappeared into the next-door home.

Daigo, short and slightly heavyset man with buzzed black hair and narrow eyes nodded, "Mhm, That's what he said."

Nobu, who was tall and rather skinny. had nearly a goat-shaped face with narrow yellow eyes and dark green hair slicked into a mohawk. "And by the looks of this image I'm positive she's the one," he added.

They lingered until she came back, opening her door wide open before she stepped in.

"Go time."

Suddenly, Inko felt herself get jostled harshly onto the hardwood floor, the noise of the heavy front door being slammed shut followed mere moments later.

With the breath still knocked out of her from such an abrasive action she felt herself in a daze, slowly focusing on the woman wearing a black catsuit and white heeled boots who stood in front of her.

"W-who are you?" Inko coughed out, inclining her upwards to view Camie, eyeing the two additional men standing near the woman.

Camie crouched down, a look of revulsion on her face the more and more she saw how much Izuku looked like his mother.

A grin was on Camie's lips, taking pleasure in the grunts of Inko who was being pulled upright by her short locks.

"I'm the one person that bitch of son you call Izuku, shouldn't have crossed," Camie whispered in Inko's ear, taking in joy, knowing the woman's heart had dropped exponentially.

She got up from the squatting position, staring at her French manicure before walking off to the side, "Daigo. Nobu." Camie started, "You know what to do."

The men dressed in black suits cracked their knuckles, displeasing grins on their faces, and the last noise before Inko passed out was her scream.

And the vibration of her cell phone from an incoming call of a small green-haired child.

Her light and joy.


. . . Hours later. . .

In the lounge room, Izuku sat huddled to one corner, stuck in his own world as he stared at his mother's contact.

It'd been 3 hours and in that time he'd called over 5 times.

At first, he figured she was busy. But for her to not pick up at all was strange in its own right. The last time they'd met up, Inko had confessed that she was also so worried about him now that he'd involved himself so deep in a mafia.

She loved him and knew how happy and content he was with Katsuki and those he'd surrounded himself with but still...

That didn't mean she'd stop worrying. It was her responsibility as his mother.

She'd always managed to either pick up or call back within minutes of the call so why isn't she picking up now?

With everything that's happened of him possibly seeing someone that shouldn't be at the mall to the wedding shootout and now this?

Was it wrong to be feeling so uneasy?

He pressed the call button one more time, listening to it ring once, then twice before completely shutting off. He let out such defeat before placing down at his phone.

"Something wrong?" Shoji questioned from behind, slightly startling Izuku; only gaining a small nod.

"My mom isn't answering her phone- and now I'm getting a bit worried." Izuku openly stated, bringing his knees closer to his chest before wrapping his arms around them.

He let out a sigh, as Shoji lightly patted his hair, "Well maybe her phone is broken- it's happened to plenty of us and caused chaos, you never know."

Izuku shrugged, "Yeah, well, not knowing seems to be the problem for me."

He then gave Shoji a loose smile and thanked him for the talk before pivoting his attention to the four people that just walked in.

It was Katsuki who seemed rather upset by something, "So it's been a waste of time huh-?"

Surrounding him were the three families' heads, all with uninterested looks on their faces. Not even giving the other person time to explain, Katsuki hung up proceeding to rub his temples in exhaustion.

"Okay, we're done for today. Let's-" His sentence being interrupted by a vibrating hum from a cellphone.

Almost instantly everyone's attention shifted to Izuku who picked up his phone from an unknown number. In his current situation, one could say he was desperate for an answer so without hesitation he picked it up.


The room had gone dead silent, so without having to put it on the speaker they heard everything.

It was a feminine voice on the line, their tone sounding as if something paramount had occurred.

"Mrs. Suzumura can you please slow down? What's wrong?" Izuku requested, trying to decipher the older woman's frantic yelling.

Then she said it. Completely shattering his soul.

He dropped the phone onto the marble tiling of the lounge feeling his own weight crumple in on itself.
He started to hyperventilate, his vision going blurry with fear, everyone else ready to catch the green-haired boy who looked to be in major distress.

"My mom..."

Tugging onto the bottom portion of his sweater, sniffling,

"She's been attacked-!"

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