V: Green-Eyed Boy

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V: Green-Eyed Boy

Third POV

"100..200...300...400..500." The fawn-haired woman counted, before slipping the stacks of cash into an envelope, "Here's $3,500, you said you knew someone that could help us with this plan so I'm going to need you to pay them." Camie instructed, tucking her gun into her pencil skirt waistband, tossing the orange-colored envelope over to Tatami who fidgeted with the safety of her gun.

"Right. But don't you want to at least meet them; you were very good at negotiations." Tatami stated, placing the item into her purse, watching Camie shake her head confidently. "No. I have other things to do, I need to hire someone to collect information for me, but surely you can do just that simple task right?" Camie questioned, but not in an uplifting manner.

Slowly Tatami nodded, "Yeah, of course, I can."
The sensation of uneasiness wavered in her, but naturally, she didn't want to upset Camie. The fawn-haired woman had a reputation of being demeaning towards those she deemed as incompetent. Including her best friend and family.

Tatami brushed a piece of hair back, a question she'd tucked deep down was now coming back; eating at her to finally spill. "I want to know what's the point?" She imposed, earning a raised brow look for Camie following a smirk, "Why we're doing this? I thought it was obvious."

"For you and your baby." Camie simply replied, lightly patting Tatami's spiky hair, "That green-eyed boy ruined our lives so why not take his?" On the outside, it seemed logical, but the more and more Tatami thought about this reason and why Camie even bothered to come and find her now was weird.

Her agreeing was merely in heat of the moment, she was angry at the shocking news and knew that if she and the fawn-haired woman shared ideals then they could co-conspire. She didn't have the heart to tell Camie. But honestly, she was second-guessing right now.

"I need to go now, I'll email you the specification for the Katsuki clan." Camie spoke, picking up her purse and tossing a photograph of Izuku, "Tell them this is what the target looks like."

And with that, this meeting of theirs was finished now that the fawn-haired woman had finally left, leaving Tatami all alone.

Tatami picked up her car keys, a light grunt exiting her pursed lips as she got up from her seat before sliding the picture of the edge and into her soft palms.

Her eyes scanned the image intensely, taking in any and every feature that laid on the Katsuki Clan golden boy. Her turquoise eyes flickered with displeasure, squeezing the photo into a ball as she then stuffed it into her purse.

A white light shone onto her face the minute she turned on her phone, dialing in a number there were three throngs then a click before placing it up to her ear.

"Is that offer for one murder still available? I can pay you on sight."

. . . Meanwhile. . .

Mina, Uraraka, and Izuku set down three long lists of items everyone in the Unit wanted, not including their wishes.

In the surrounding area, winter decorum hung from each wall and 'frosted' plants settled in the corners here in the main lounge room.

But it wasn't just there, downstairs and upstairs had been decorated with holiday items, heck, even the 4 elevators that ran through the building had wreaths hanging on the back wall with adhesive strips. Essentially, not a single thing nor room in this base had been left undecorated.

Yes. Even despite Katsuki's 'complaints' for them to get out of his office and not make it look like a Christmas disaster had struck.

"I'm exhausted." Mina groaned, laying her head down on the armrest of the couch, her sights set on the number of things wanted, "Is it just me, or have Christmas gifts been getting even crazier every time?"

Uraraka shook her head, staring directly at her own list, "Nope." Before adjusting herself to sitting upside down on the armchair.  "And on top of that, we have to go back out and get these presents for them too."

Izuku moved swiftly behind the bar counter, preparing three alcoholic drinks for them before emerging with strawberry-lemon daiquiris.

"Have you guys ever tried to do a secret Santa?" Izuku suggested, placing each drink on a coaster by the near side tables; watching the girls take well-needed sips. "That way everyone gets to participate in gift-giving and it's not just you guys."

Uraraka bobbed her head, before swirling her drink with her straw, "That could work, we could even make it out to be almost like a pull out of a hat type of secret Santa."

Mina clapped excitedly, sitting up from her former resting position. "I just realized, Hagakure's and Ojiro's wedding is still coming up in about a week or less- so why don't we focus on the presents for that and everyone else does secret Santa?"

Both Uraraka and Izuku nodded to Mina's idea with full support. "Alrighty then! Tomorrow we'll go out and get more supplies."

And just as they'd wrapped up their conversation the others finally arrived from doing their daily assignments. Sero being the first to ask, "What's going on now?"

Mineta rolled his eyes, "Isn't it obvious? they're probably up to no good." Earning a knock in the head by Jirou.

"Nothing wrong here, just minor adjustments to how we'll celebrate the gift-giving." Uraraka stated as a matter of fact, "You'll get to know more about it later though!"

Hesitant looks wandered around the room, the big idea was that whenever Mina and Uraraka came together to try something new, things usually ended up in chaos. Not always a good type of chaos either.

And the chances of stopping them were obsolete."This isn't gonna end good..." Tokoyami face palmed earning nods of agreement and excited giggles from the brunette and pink-haired woman.

Oh well... it's still nice though.

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