Fate Is Quite Generous Isn't It

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One thing Rui completely forgot about, was the fact that there was orientation. A little detail that infuriated him, was the fact that they were going to be forced to sit down and listen to a rat rant about trivial education for 4 whole hours.

Rui didn't get why they needed to go to orientation, they already had a few nights ago, so what was the point? Regardless, he was ready to face the disrespect that would inevitably be thrown his way gracefully at the hands of the other courses.

Rui groggily looked up at the bathroom mirror as he brushed his teeth. God he looked awful. His hair was all disheveled, and he looked like a walking zombie. His eye bags were more prominent than ever, the nightmares that plagues his mind constantly haunting him. Gee, thanks Yagi.

Every night he went back to that horrid place. That cursed dungeon, those hateful men, all waiting gleefully to torment him. God, it was disgusting.

Shaking the bad thoughts away, Rui decided to try and fix himself up. Applying makeup to cover the very apparent fallacies scattered throughout his face. He had to keep up the image of a teenager who wasn't mentally and physically scarred after all!

Once done, Rui headed downstairs, and apparently, he was the first person awake. Feeling the urge to cook, he went to the kitchen, malewife style, and everything. He went for a western-styled breakfast, cooking up some scrambled eggs and bacon with some orange juice on the side.

"Someone's up early" a voice behind Rui quipped.

Looking back he saw Kazuo leaning against the wall. Kazuo was gazing at him contemplatively, "You're quite peculiar Rui Midoriya."

"Good morning to you too I suppose." Rui replied.

"You don't belong here. Well, most people here don't but you particularly do not belong here. And I am just trying to piece together how you wound up here." Kazuo said as he approached him, "My mind simply draws a blank however," Kazuo now was leaning into Rui as he towered above him "So what grievous act led a little guardian angel like you into the depths of hell?"

Rui scoffed, "You think you earned enough friendship points to unlock my tragic backstory? And what makes you think I'm an angel, I'll guarantee you I am far from one."

"Please have you seen the way you act around Izuku? You're a complete mother hen, always trying to protect him from harm. If I didn't know better I would've thought you were his quirk, to act as his guardian angel." Kazuo stifled his laughter

"What do you want Ishigami." Rui deadpanned.

"I just want to know a little about you. It's not often someone as interesting as you appears." Kazuo grinned.

"What's so interesting about me?" Rui asked, not understanding what piqued Kazuo's interest

"It's clear to me, you're a powerhouse, or at least certainly have the potential to be one, and with what little time I spent at the hands of the Hero Commission, I know they wouldn't waste that for the world. So I'm curious on how you managed to either evade them for so long, or what terrible thing you did that landed you here." Kazuo inquired

"Like I said when I introduced myself, I would rather not share how I was enrolled into this course." Rui replied

"I'll budge the answer out of you someday." Kazuo said as he grabbed a plate of food and left the vicinity.

'Rui didn't belong here' Kazuo was right about that, but for reasons far different than he imagined. He was far from an angel that Kazuo made him out to be. He stripped far too many of their own unique powers, something he had no right doing. Everyone else in the course could be pardoned, but not him. Most didn't even commit heinous acts, and the ones that did, were just small petty crimes.

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