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[DEAN - Breakup pt. 2]

[2:07am, Y/N's apartment]
[Y/N's POV]

After I thanked the Uber, I checked my phone last time to see if I had missed anything. Nope. I let out a small sigh, what did I expect. As I was checking for anything, I took a glance at the time. Shit. It's 2am already? I shut off my phone and walked towards my apartment complex. As I'm walking I can't help but notice someone or something standing right outside my apartment door. I halt my movements and held my phone in my hand again, ready to dial the police. I've seen one too many shows and now I've grown paranoid. I mean it is 2 am, why would someone be standing outside my door at this time? I check my surroundings one last time before moving forward again. My eyes landed on anything that moved and made sure to be cautious. As I move closed to my apartment, I see that person standing outside using their phone, leaning up against the wall just waiting. As I was planning on what to do next, they looked up from their phone and directly at me. Shit. Netflix documentary here I come. Just when I was about to make a run for it to my neighbors door, they spoke.

???: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Hyuk???"

At that very moment I felt my soul come back to my body. Never had I been so relieved yet so annoyed to see someone.

Y/N: "What the actual fuck, Hyuk. I almost called the cops"

Hyuk: "I wanted to call you but I know you wouldn't have come if you knew I was here already"

Y/N: "Yea you're right, what are you even doing here anyway?"

Hyuk: "To talk of course, you just walked out on me before I was able to say anything"

Y/N: "You know what I'm really tired, can we do this some other time, I have work in like 5 hours"

Hyuk: "Please just give me 5 minutes, that's all I ask"

Y/N: "Can we do this inside then? I'm freezing out here"

I made my way towards the front of my door and unlocked it. I took off my shoes, which he followed, and switched on the lights. I sat on my couch and instantly began to feel drowsy. I signaled him to sit down in front of me.

Y/N: "Please make it quick, I'm about to pass out"

Hyuk: "This is all just a big misunderstanding"

Y/N: "Really? A misunderstanding? You call "I can't always put you first" a misunderstanding?"

Hyuk: "Okay I'll take full responsibility on that but I was just frustrated I didn't know how else to word it. And looking at it now yeah it was a real dick move of me to say that and I'm sorry. But I say that this is a misunderstanding because I thought you needed space"

Y/N: "When did I ever tell you that I needed space?"

Hyuk: "It's because you didn't, I told myself that. There's times where I can be very clingy and I just feel like I annoy you too much so I distance myself. You've been so stressed recently I just wanted to make sure I didn't add to it more"

Oh. It's all starting to make sense now. As I was listening to him talking I can't help but feel guilt wash over me. Have I been that careless that I never asked him what was wrong? Or to make sure everything was ok? Yes. Yes I have been I can't help but feel guilty. I loved when he was clingy and touchy, how come I've never told him that? He thought I was annoyed by it but really I loved it, if anything, it would've taken away the stress immediately. I feel myself tear up once again, only this time I wasn't planning on stopping myself. He was still talking, I didn't notice earlier he had grabbed my hand and had it in between his. Just when he was about to let go of my hand, he noticed my watery eyes.

Hyuk: "Y/N darling are you crying?"

I in fact was crying. Just when I was about to remove my hands from his, he got up from the couch across from me and sat down right next to me. He pulled me into a tight warm hug. As I inhaled his cologne, I felt every worry that I had disappear. It was like magic, just like that they had disappeared. His hugs could cure anything honestly, they were always so loving, so comfortable and familiar. I didn't know I needed this hug so badly. And from the looks of it, I think he needed it too.

I laid my head on his chest as he sunk more into the couch. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.

[Hyuk's POV]

As she laid on my chest, one of my hands make their way to her hair, twirling a piece of it while the other hand rubbed up and down her back. I hummed a small tune as I tried comforting her more. It's been such a long time since we've hung out alone. It was so peaceful, just the two of us on the couch. It felt like time was frozen, I didn't want it to end. I took a glance at the clock on the wall. 2:36am? The thought of being curled up in bed together and spending all day together sounded like fun but I then realized she had work in the morning.

Hyuk: "Y/N... wake up, so you can rest in your room"

She didn't budge one bit. I slightly shook her to get her to wake up and nothing. She was probably so tired. I slowly got up from the couch, making sure I didn't make too much noise for her to wake up. I picked her up, bridal style you can say, and tip toed to her bedroom, making sure I didn't bump into anything along the way.

I slowly opened her door and made my way towards her bed. I gently lay her down on the bed, tucking her in with a blanket I found. I kissed her forehead and just when I was about to leave she grabbed my wrist.

Y/N: "Where are you going Hyuk?"

She had said that in the most cutest, sleepiest voice. I felt bad leaving her here but then again she has to get up early.

Hyuk: "Nowhere darling, scoot over"

I can't help but notice a small smile form on her face as I said that. I had given into her yet again, like I always do.

Hyuk: "You have to wake up early to go to work huh?"

Y/N: "Not if I don't go, I don't have to"

Hyuk: "What do you mean you don't have to? You recently got promoted Y/N, what will they think?"

Y/N: "I don't care what they think, I just want to spend time with you"

I smiled at her as I turned over to her.

Hyuk: "Then we better get started ;)"


(Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm getting a little better at posting them. Anyways I don't really have much news except the fact that I have an essay due tomorrow and I haven't even looked at so wish me luck guys🤩. Love u all! KACHOW)

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