36. Teasing

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"I'm not ashamed of us Aly."

"Neither am I, but you need to tell Sienna before everyone else finds out.  You owe it to her." She heard him curse. 

"You're right. I know you are,  but I just can't bear thinking about you being away from me."

"Look, I'll stay over Wednesday night, maybe Thursday too.  Then it's probably a good idea if I stay away Friday and Saturday.  I don't want to be a distraction. Then on Sunday we'll celebrate your win."

"You're optimistic."

"I believe in you."

Seb emerged from the bathroom in just his boxers.  Alyssa giggled as she saw the toothpaste dribbling down his chin.  She tapped her own chin.   Seb went back into the bathroom.  He looked in the mirror and began washing his face.  His attention was soon drawn back to Alyssa as she walked into the bathroom wearing just her panties. 

"Aly!" he exclaimed, his eyes moving to her full breasts.

"Yes?" she said, feigning innocence, as she picked her tooth brush up.

"Do you have to torture me so much?"

"Says you! At least you can have a wank if you feel horny!"

"Alyssa Mae Harper! Watch that dirty mouth of yours. Anyway, why do I need to wank when you can do it for me?"

He grabbed her hand and pushed it inside the front of his boxers. She snatched it back immediately. "Dream on lover. If I have to suffer, so do you!"

"Aly please!" he begged.

"Nope." He laughed as he walked back through to the bedroom. Alyssa brushed her teeth and washed her makeup off.

Seb grinned mischievously to himself as he slipped his boxers off and climbed into bed. The more he wound her up, the better the sex would  be when she'd finished bleeding.

"What are you doing in there?" he called out a couple of minutes later.

"Lady things!" came her reply. He chuckled again. It felt so good to be sharing his life with someone again. After Sienna he'd sworn off of relationships, but Alyssa had rocked his world.

A couple of minutes later he heard the toilet flush and the tap running. Eventually she emerged, and he watched her as she crossed  the room, her breasts bouncing slightly. He bit down on his bottom lip as he felt his cock twitching. She climbed into bed beside him. He switched the lamp off and laid on his back with a grin on his face, waiting for her to realise he was naked.

Alyssa snuggled up to him, her head and a hand on his chest. He lazily played with her hair with one hand. She hooked her leg over his, bringing her knee up.  Seb bit his lip to stop himself from laughing as he felt her body tense when she felt her knee brush his naked balls. 

"For fuck's sake.  You're not funny." He snorted.  "I am."

"This is war."  

"Bring it on baby."

"You'll keep.  Now go to sleep.  Antti will be here early, and he'll be working you hard after I tell him what you ate tonight."

"You wouldn't!" he exclaimed.

"I certainly would after how you're teasing me! What will he have to say about all that rice? The sweet and sour chicken?  The pineapple fritter?"

"Aly, please don't!"   She lay laughing.  "Bitch."


They lay quiet for a minute.  "What time's your doctor appointment tomorrow ?" Seb asked a few minutes later. 

All of Me (Sebastian Vettel)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant