II Chapter 11 II

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Soojin's P.O.V.

After I saved Eun Dan Oh from drowning, we both were panting at the sea shore. We tried to calm down and when we both finally stopped panting, I screamed at her saying, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You know you could have died right?" She looked at me guiltily and started crying. I hugged her tightly. I knew she was hurt because of Baek Kyung. "Go get your revenge sis. Beat him up, I don't care. He deserves it." She nodded and walked away from me. I sat down on the rocks and just stared at the sea with my wet body. The wind was strong and it sent shivers down my wet body. Somebody put a jacket on me. I flipped around to see who it was and it was Lee Do Hwa. He said, "Feeling cold?" "Says who?" "Says you." He replied to my answer. I nodded and he sat beside me. Only we both were sitting on the sea shore. Everyone one else were busy preparing lunch for themselves. I was just tired of always being there for people. It felt like no one got my back. He seemed to understand and he patted me on my shoulder and I felt this sudden feeling of warmth. For the first time, it felt like he was there for me when no one was.  

Eun Dan Oh's P.O.V.

I walk away from Soojin and try to find Baek Kyung. When I finally spot him, I run to him and hit his back with all of my might. He turned around and he furrowed his eyebrows screaming, "Bichoso?! (Are you crazy?!)" I say, "You're the one who's crazy!" He keeps looking at me and I walk away from him. 

*Time Skip*

Soojin's P.O.V

Attention please! You guys will form a pair based on the random number you pick from bowl you see here. If I randomly pick out a chit and it says 11, then I will pair with the person who got the other chit with the number 11. Is that understood? 

We nodded as the teacher explained the instructions. A couple of students walked over to the bowl and picked out chits. Finally, after the crowd died down, I walked over to the bowl and picked out a chit along with Dan Oh. She got the number 32 and I got 31. We both looked at each other and said in sink, "I have a feeling that we should exchange our chits." We both looked at each other in shock and ended up exchanging our chits. After parting ways, I screamed, "Can number 32 got yo ass over here?" Baek Kyung walked over to me and showed the chit to me. I sighed and grabbed his hand and stormed into the forest with him. 

"What the fuck? Let me go." He said to me. I threw his hand away and walked very fast towards nowhere. Yeah. Nowhere. I didn't know the directions but I just wanted to stay away from him. I mean, he still gave me butterflies in my stomach but I wanted him to do something romantic to stop me from going away from him. My heart needs consoling too. 

"Hey. I know what I did earlier was wrong. I didn't mean to throw your stone to the ground and step on it. I also didn't mean to almost drown Eun Dan Oh." Baek Kyung said to me while we were sitting under a tree. It was raining and the tree was the best shelter we could find. "You mean to say sorry." I said to him while making intense eye contact with him. He nodded and said, "You could say that." I nodded and decided to forgive him. I said, "Hmm. Anyways, care for a hug?" He nodded and we shared a tight hug. I admit, I hit him many times and was harsh to him, but I still love him. He was the love of my life after all. "Want to end this hike together?" I asked him and he said yes. The rain had stopped so we held each others hand and I saw him blush. I booped his nose and he was surprised but let it go. I laughed at his reaction and we continued the trail until we noticed a field of dandelions. It was so pretty that I couldn't help but walk into the field. He followed me and said, "These are so pretty. Just like you." I blushed at his words and decided to sing one of my favorite songs to him. "Wanna hear a song about dandelions which also says how I feel about you?" He smiled and said, "Sure!" I nodded and started to sing the song. 

Dandelions II Baek Kyung II (Under construction cuz it's cringe)Where stories live. Discover now