II Chapter 10 II

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Soojin's P.O.V.

I walk through the hallways and push through the crowd gathered around the black announcement board. I read the names of the kids who are going on a the school field trip a week later. My name was on the board and I knew my mom registered my name. I read the list farther down the board and I see Yeo Joo-Da's name on the list. Oh... Now I why Nam Ju suggested we go on field trip inside Korea. It was because he knew Yeo Joo-Da couldn't afford traveling outside Korea. He is pretty sweet if I look at the story positively. 'Oh wow Eun Dan Oh's going too...' I heard from one of the students standing near me. I was surprised by what he said and looked at the board once again and I saw her name. I screamed out of happiness and I ran around the school trying to find her. I saw Shin Sae Mi and her jumping together in the garden. I ran towards Dan Oh and picked her up and ran around the garden happily. She screamed, "OH MY GOD BAE PUT ME DOWN I'M SCARED!" I laughed and dropped her into a pile of leaves softly so that she wouldn't get hurt. She said, "I think you heard about me going on the field trip?" I nodded very hard. She stood up and put her two fingers under my chin so that I would stop nodding. I looked at her puzzled and she laughed out loud and hugged me. I hugged her heartily for sometime and then we pulled apart. 

Soojin's P.O.V. after two hours. 

Eun Dan Oh said her heart hurt in between class. I walked her to the nurse's office and made her sit on the nurse's bed. She was crying and I touched her heart again to calm her down. It healed her a little bit but she said that her heart still hurt. I looked at her helplessly and the silence in the room along with the soft noises of her sobbing was hurting me. We stayed like that until she broke the silence and said, "Why can't you just heal me completely? You know I've been suffering for eighteen years. How much more should I suffer?" I looked at her sadly and said, "I'm sorry. I can't heal a person completely. And every time I do, my scar hurts a lot. My scar just doesn't have enough power to heal you completely. I'm sorry." She nodded and hugged me. I hugged her back and we went back to class after she took her medication. 

Eun Dan Oh's P.O.V.

Soojin, Shin Sae Mi and I decided to go for shopping new clothes and Shin Sae Mi also wanted to buy some keychains for Nam Ju. I can't with this girl. 
We went to our own home and after a few hours, we all joined each other to go for shopping. We went to a clothing store first. Shin Sae Mi and Soojin bought many clothes. I can't even count the number of clothes they bought.
After sometime, we exited the clothing store and while we were searching for a keychain store, Shin Sae Mi suddenly pulled me and Soojin towards a random store with her. We didn't hesitate because we knew she would have a pout on her face if we didn't go with her. 

30 minutes later

Shin Sae Mi had finally picked out a keychain for Nam Ju and unfortunately, she also picked out  a keychain for me so that I could give it to Baek Kyung. I wanted to deny but Soojin held my hand and nodded at me telling me that I shouldn't say no. I listened to her and agreed to buy that keychain. 

On the day of the field trip. 

Soojin's P.O.V.

"Hey Eun Dan Oh! On you're way to find Mr. Nameless orrrrrr... should I say Sipsambeon? (Number 13)" I said to her while wiggling my eyebrows. She hit me on my back slightly and said, "Stop teasing me bae!" I laughed and I walked over to Lee Do Hwa to high-five him when I saw Eun Dan Oh walk over to Baek Kyung with a silver colored bag. Oh wait- I know where this is going. She's going to give that keychain to Baek Kyung. I know it. I also remember her telling me that her vision made her see that Baek Kyung's going to throw her keychain on the ground and he's going to step on it. 

"Baek Kyung-ah, this is for you." I heard Eun Dan Oh say as she handed that bag to him. He tore the bag and then hesitantly opened the box in which the keychain was present. He looked at the keychain said, "You expect me to carry this around? Seriously?" And before he could throw it on the ground, I ran to him and snatched the keychain out of his hand. I felt my scar burn but without missing the beat, I said, "If you don't want it, I'll take it! It's a pretty one after all. And anyways, it's a 200 dollars worth keychain. You can't waste her money!" Eun Dan Oh couldn't say anything and started crying as she was supposed to do that in the scene. I opened my makeup bag and I gave her a remover. I touched her tears and she stopped crying. She took the makeup remover and started fixing her eyeliner while Baek Kyung just glared at me. I shrugged and walked away with Lee Do Hwa. He kept looking at me as if I just saved the world and he said, "C-Can you change the scene?" I nodded and said, "Yes, but I'll explain later. For now, come with me. We need to find Mr. Nameless." 

Me and Lee Do Hwa couldn't find Mr. Nameless even if we searched a lot. Him and I finally gave up and we looked around to see people buying stones and breaking them with their crushes. Lee Do Hwa and I looked at each other eyes and we shared a moment together. We decided that we would also buy some stones even if we were the second leads. We walked to the stall and bought a stone for each other. He bought one for me and I bought one for him. We high-fived cuz we knew we were meant to have a bad fate in the author's eyes. 
We both bid farewell and I went to Baek Kyung so that he could break my stone. I gave him the rock. He huffed and broke the stone and I got almost the whole stone. Only a small piece of the stone was on his side and he smiled and threw it on the ground and stepped on it. I had tears in my eyes and I ran away. 

Baek Kyung's P.O.V.

This is not what I want. I don't want to step on the stone she gave me. I pick it up and clean it with my hanky. I sit there silently and stare at the sea. Do I really have to be this mean? I admit that I'm arrogant, but sometimes, I am forced to be mean to people. I don't even want to do this.

Eun Dan Oh's P.O.V. 

Oh no. The scenes going to take place. I had a vision that I'm going to break the stone with Baek Kyung and he'll get the the bigger piece and he's going to throw it into the sea. My stupid self is going to go into the water and try to find it until I almost drown. But in the vision, I also see someone special. It was Sipsambeon! I laughed happily but then I realized that my own friend Soojin could understand my plan and help me and she can actually talk to me and encourage me. Oh my goodness! I haven't seen Soojin for a long time! Let me find Soojin. 
I search around many places to find Soojin but I can't find her. I look around for the last time before I got transmitted into the scene. 

Third Person P.O.V.

Eun Dan Oh went towards Baek Kyung and she gave him the stone. Baek Kyung had already broke fifteen stones and he was frustrated but still broke Eun Dan Oh's stone as he was scared that she may tell about it to his abusive dad. He got the bigger piece but he truly disliked her so he threw his stone into the water. As the scene had been drew, Eun Dan Oh tearfully went inside the water to find Baek Kyung's stone. She saw Sipsambeon and she tried to ask him for help, but he just stood there blankly, not knowing what to do. She realized that no one will help her so she sadly continued into the water, knowing that whatever she does, without the help of Soojin and Sipsambeon, she had no power in the world of comics. Just when she was almost about to drown, Soojin came back near the sea and she saw Eun Dan Oh. Soojin jumped into the water without a single thought and managed to save Eun Dan Oh. Soojin's scar was hurting her really bad but Soojin didn't stop herself from saving her best friend. Afterall, Soojin didn't care about herself disappearing... Or did she?  

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Hello people! Do ya'll like the story? I sure hope you do! Let's get to straight to the fact of the day!

Fact about Baek Kyung: Baek Kyung can only sense the bad intentions of people. He knows if someone is going to betray him, if someone hates him, or if someone is trying to steal something from him. He senses that Soojin is trying to steal from him, but he doesn't know what. Soojin is only trying to steal his heart but Baek Kyung doesn't realize that and that is why he hates her. 

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