II Chapter 9 II

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Soojin's P.O.V.

"You okay?" I asked Eun Dan Oh as she was looking confused. I sat in front of her and said, "What's up? Why are you so confused?" She looked at me and said, "I think I can see the future." I chocked on air. I looked at her with wide eyes and said, "Oh my god! Give me an example."

"You believe me?"

"Why? Are you lying or something?" 

"No I'm not. Anyways, let me tell you about the incident that happened a few days ago."

I inched towards her and she started whispering into my ear. She said, "A few days ago, after class, I looked out the window in the classroom out of boredom. My head started aching really bad and I closed my eyes when I saw something. I saw Baek Kyung drag me towards the garden area. I didn't see anything else but coincidentally, he happened to do the same thing to me that day and you came and saved me!" I was shocked and I was very amazed that she could do that. I turned around and before I walked to the cafeteria to Jinmichae for an explanation, I accidentally looked at a very good looking guy. He was so beautiful. Black hair, big eyes, fair skinned and a big body structure (he was thicc). 

"Earth to Soojin? Hello?!" Eun Dan Oh said to me as she waved her hands in front of my face. I turned her around and said, "Look there!" She looked at the guy I was talking about and she was shocked as well. She let out a silent gasp and she said, "Damn, this guy just stole my heart." I giggled and pinched her back so that she would stop drooling over him. She sat down and told me to go talk to him because she was shy. I slowly walked towards him and said, "Hi! You must be new. I'm Soojin! What's your name?" He just looked at me like an idiot. I waited for a bit but he kept looking at me. He didn't say anything. "Okay. I'm going to call you Mr.Nameless." I said. He kept looking at me when suddenly, he raised his right hand and moved it slowly towards me. I flinched but he just gave me a high-five. When he did that, I suddenly saw something that shook me to the core. He had a scar just like me! Right hand, stitched, and red. I was more surprised that confused. Never in a million years did I imagine that such a coincidence could ever take place! 

*Time Skip to 1 month later.*

I walked out of my the library while crying my heart out. My best friend's heart's condition was getting worse and I couldn't do anything to help her. She didn't tell me anything about this and she kept pretending like everything was fine. 

"Why? Why wouldn't you tell me anything about this? Aren't we best friends? Didn't we promise each other that we would tell each other if we were in pain? I even gave you that chain you're wearing as a symbol of friendship! We shared everything with each other. I understand that every individual has their own secrets and can't share them with people but this is not something you should hide from your best friend. I want the old days to be back. I want my honest and loving best friend back." I said to her while trying not to cry. She looked down at the floor and started sobbing. She said, "I knew it would hurt you if I told you about this! I want to see you smiling one last time before I die." She looked up at me and sobbed even harder. I pulled her towards me and hugged her with all my heart. We were hugging happily when she started to slip from my hand. I grabbed her hand and saw that her heart rate was rising up faster according to her smart watch. I picked her up and ran to the hospital but on the way there, I made her rest on a bench and touched the area where her heart was. I felt a very sharp pain on my hand and it suddenly started to bleed. Even though it hurt very much, I didn't pull my hand away from her body. She was starting to calm down and I think my scar was healing her. She was slowly recovering when suddenly, we were in our classroom. It was weird but there she was, standing near the window of the classroom, smiling happily towards me. I ran towards her and hugged her and made sure that she was safe. She was smiling and I was relieved that she was alive. She didn't hug me back and looked at my legs again and again while still smiling. I asked her what's wrong when I realized what I just did. It was a new scene! And I could change that scene! I could suddenly move on my own now and I could talk and walk however I wanted to! This was the first scene that occurred after the day I saved Dan Oh from that green thing and I got that scar. Wait, everything is so confusing. I was able to heal Eun Dan Oh using my scar, my scar glowed red when I wished I could stop the author from continuing this story and now I could change the scene? Is this all happening due to my scar?
When I realized that I could change the scene with my scar, I grabbed Eun Dan Oh's hand and dashed out of the room with her and I took her to the library with me. I explained everything to her and we decided that together, we would change as many scenes as possible. I need to stop this author from going too far and ruining our lives. 

* * *

Hey guys~! Hope you liked this chapter! I'm still in my hometown, so my updates are still slow but please understand my situation. And yes! Time for today's fact! 

Fact About Eun Dan Oh: Eun Dan Oh was a loner when she was a kid. She didn't have many friends to play with except for Baek Kyung. One day, Eun Dan Oh was sitting in the garden area of the hospital she was admitted in for her heart surgery, she happened to meet a girl who had hurt her hand due to a vase. Apparently, that girl was Soojin! They started talking to each other and that's how they both became friends! Pretty cool huh?

Bye guys! Have a good day!

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