Chapter V: A poisoned dagger

Start from the beginning

He barely answered you. You sighed internally.

There were many merchants at the plaza selling ornaments, handicrafts, jewelry and more. You were fascinated with all the cute things on display and made comments about them here and there, but he didn't respond to any.

You knew that it was pointless, he was not going to shift his mindset. It was better if you met some other day when he was more willing.

Y/n: Oppa, I must go. I have a lot of homework. Thank you for keeping me company, I hope we can meet again soon.

He just looked at you without saying a word.

Y/n: Bye!

You waved your hand at him and started walking towards your apartment. You had already walked about a block when you realized that he was following behind, keeping distance.

Y/n: Oppa, don't you live to the other side?

Yoongi: I'm going to walk you to your apartment.

Y/n: It is not necessary, really. See you another day.

You continued to walk, but it didn't take long before you realized that he was still following behind, so you decided to slow down a bit so that he could catch up with you, until you reached the entrance of the building where you lived in.

Y/n: Well, I'm here. Thanks again.

You smiled at him and walked to the elevator, but he was still following you.

Y/n: What is the matter?

Yoongi: I'm going to walk you to your apartment door and then I'm going to leave.

You told him it wasn't necessary, but he ignored you. You didn't insist and went up the elevator until making it to your door.

You looked at him puzzled; you couldn't understand his attitude. He had shown annoyance all along and now he had this detail with you.

Y/n: Thank you for accepting my invitation to lunch. (You were a little nervous remembering what happened in front of this same door last time).

Yoongi: I had no other choice.

His answer took you by surprise.

Y/n: Excuse me?

Yoongi: I don't have a choice, do I? I must respond to your every call because it is my duty.

His words hurt you a lot.

Y/n: I don't know what you mean If your parents are forcing you to keep me company or take care of me, please don't ignore them. I dont want you to do anything that doesnt come naturally to you.

He avoided your gaze, but he was obviously upset, more than before.

Y/n: I apologize for the inconvenience. I thought that at least a part of you was having fun, I did not imagine that you were being forced.

You wanted to cry, but you had to be strong so that he wouldn't see your tears.

Yoongi: You say that, but you know it's not like that ... I can't do what I want because others have already decided for me.

You were very confused by his words. He just wanted to vent the anger out of him, he had been holding back the entire time you had been together.

Yoongi: There there is a pact, isn't there?

Your lips parted slightly in surprise. It was obvious now that he was referring to the marriage arrangement.

Y/n: That... I have nothing to do with it, it was something our parents decided.

Yoongi: You have everything to do with it, I'm not going to marry your parents, but you.

Y/n: Wait, there's something I don't understand. You've never been so upset before. How long have you known about this?

Yoongi: Just found out a few days ago, but you've known about it all this time.

Y/n: I had no idea how your parents had handled it. It was never clear to me if you already knew or not. We barely saw each other a couple of times in all these years.

Yoongi: Once would have been enough for you to tell me. You have all been planning my life behind my back.

Y/n: Oppa, please understand that I am not in control of the situation either.

You felt very bad about what was happening. You felt accused by Suga about the arranged marriage.

Yoongi: You're the only one who has control over the situation, Y/n. If you tell your parents that you don't want to marry me, they will break this engagement right away and leave us both alone. I've been working hard for my dream for years and now you put banana peels on my path no, not a banana peel, a bomb.

Your heart clenched in your chest. You had been wishful about this relationship for so many years, but he never realized what was going on. And now that he knew about the arrangement, it was obvious that he didn't want anything to do with you. You were so stunned by his claims that you couldn't answer a word, you couldn't process everything that happened now.

He took your silence as a negative and got even more upset. He turned around in frustration and banged his fist on the wall.

You were scared, you had never seen him like this. He suddenly reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out an object. It was a small wooden box.

Yoongi: Okay, congratulations, you win. (He said sarcastically).

He handed you the box and left immediately.

You walked into your apartment sweating cold, your hands were shaking. You opened the box and inside there was an engagement ring. It was nothing fancy, but it was pretty and delicate. You immediately started crying as sadness overtook you.

Handing over an engagement ring should be a magical moment, a romantic proposal, but for you it had been a terrifying and painful experience. Suga had handed you over a poisoned dagger; that ring in front of you represented the admission ticket to a loveless marriage.


Note: This fanfic is also posted on YouTube and TikTok. You can find me as BangtaniesFics.

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