the doctor appointment and the betrayal

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Oh i forgot to mention the izuka and izumi knows their father is all might but Katsuki and katsumi and shoto and shoka don't know that their friends and crush*katsuki*dad is all might.

3rd person pov

In the yagi house we see twin girls named izuka and izumi yagi they were excited to see what kind of quirk they getting.

Izuka/izumi:mom dad wake up.

Inko:ok ok get change then i will make breakfast then we can go to the doctors ok you two.

Izuka/izumi:yes mom.

Toshinori:well they are excited about seeing what their quirks are right inko.

Inko:yes they are they wanted to be pro heroes since they saw your the video you first appear.

Toshinori:yes they do and I'm glad to have them as my daughters*and if one of them is quirkless i will give ofa to the one who need it more*i know they will become great heroes.

Izuka pov

Izuka:Izumi what do you think our quirks might be.

Izumi:i think they could be anything from our parents like maybe a stronger version of mom quirk or dad quirk too.

Izuka:or it could be something different from our parents completely izumi think of the possibly.

Izumi:well we have to wait and see oneesan.

Inko:ok kids let go to the doctors.

Izuka/izumi:ok mom bye dad

Toshinori:bye kids see you all when you all get home and remember no matter what quirk you get you can always be a hero.

Izuka/izumi:ok bye dad love you.

*at the doctors*

Doctor:ok so we have good news and bad news which would you like to here first mrs yagi.

Inko:oh well the good news please doctor.

Doctor:well izumi has a stronger version of your quirk.

Inko:and the bad news doctor.

Doctor:well I'm sorry to say this but izuka is quirkless.

Izuka:*looking ready to cry look at her mom to don't look sad*.

Inko:oh I'm sorry izuka but it looks like you can't be a pro hero after all.

Izumi:sorry oneesan.

*at home*

Toshinori:well what are there quirks inko.

Inko:well izumi has a stronger version of my quirk and izuka well umm.

Toshinori:well Inko what is izuka quirk.

Inko:izuka is quirkless Toshinori.

Toshinori:oh she is quirkless*she must have gotten it from me i should talk to her*i go talk to izuka.

Inko:ok do whatever you want.

*in izuka room*

Toshinori:izuka are you ok.

Izuka:how can i be ok dad I'm quirkless everyone is going to make fun of me now.

Toshinori:izuka i know it will ve hard now but just so you know i won't leave you alone i want you to be strong if you want to be a hero*and i want to tell you my quirk and to give it to you*

Izuka:ok dad i will.

Izumi:what is dad doing he should try and disengage her from being a hero due to her being quirkless i have to tell the others.

*in the park*

Izumi:hey guys.

Katsuki/katsumi/shoto/shoka:hi izumi.

Shoka:izumi what is quirk.

Izumi:well i have a stronger version of my quirk.

Katsuki:ok and what is izuka quirk izumi.

Izumi:oh well she is quirkless and she still want to be a hero even quirkless and my dad is engage her but i don't want her to get hurt or killed we can we do to stop her.

Shoto:*i don't want my crush to be hurt maybe if i can get her from being a hero maybe she could like me and we could be together*maybe we should hurt her with our quirks and to show her that she can't be a hero without a quirk.

Shoka:maybe but what if we hurt her too much.

Izumi:yeah i don't want to hurt my sister.

Katsuki:yeah and we could get in trouble for that when we get discover I'm not risking my chance to get in ua.

Katsumi:yeah and i prefer to train her to fight without a quirk.

Shoto:do you want her to die.

Shoka:no i don't her hurt or died.

Izumi:same here i don't want my oneesan dead.

Katsuki:I'm not going along with it she my friend*and she is my crush*.

Katsumi:I'm also not going with it if you get in trouble it your fault and izuka will hate you.

Izumi:no she won't we are going her a favor.

Katsuki:whatever you said but mark our words if she hate you that us not our problem.


Izuka:oh hey guys*get frozen to the ground and gotten blasted with fire*.ahh what are you doing.

Shoka:oh hey deku Izumi told us you still want to be a hero even though your quirkless right.

Izuka:yes i still do.

Izumi:well give up deku you will never be a hero you should leave hero work to those with quirks useless.

Shoto:yeah just give up deku you do nothing to help in the hero world.

Izuka:i should have known they leave me.

Katsuki:izu chan we are still here and we won't leave you.

Izuka:y-you w-on't leave me right.

Katsumi:of course not izuka if they get in trouble that not our problem is it.

Izuka:hey now maybe they can change.

Katsuki:are you sure izu chan.

Izuka:yes kacchan.

Katsumi:*sigh*whatever you say izuka

Izuka:yay hugs*hugs katsuki and katsumi*

Katsuki:*izuka i will help you in anyway i can and nothing will stop me from doing so even to tell you how i feel in the future*

izuka yagi:creation and destruction(bakugou x fem dekuWhere stories live. Discover now