He who cannot be named Part 1

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Vad entered the Duke's bedroom. Closing the door lightly, he entered a large spacious room. There are no torches on, the night outside offering no relief. A big bed with a canopy dominates the centre of the room, drapes covering the side. As he pads toward the bed, a liver spotted hand pulls one drape aside. Inside, holding a candle is an elderly man, sitting up, supported by many pillows.

“Come closer my friend, so I can see you.” the Duke said, beckoning.

Vad stepped into the candle light. “Duke Barrington” Vad said, bowing his head, “Your message said it was most urgent m'lord.”

“Indeed it is. I require a man with many talents, and who knows when to keep his mouth shut. Patvorich believes you are that man.”

For the first time Vad noticed the Duke's dark shadow, standing by the door he had just entered. Duke Barrington's bodyguard had a dark reputation, ever since his early days as an enforcer in the Morrow Street syndicate. After the Prince's Inquisitors purged the syndicate from the capital, Duke Barrington gave Patvorich a safe haven. Patvorich has been eternally grateful ever since. He was the Duke's problem solver.

“Patvorich has told me of many cases you have solved. The Bloodhound of Cadderich they call you. Private Investigator extraordinaire. Was it not you who solved the O'Maley murders? The local constables had given up, and said the case supernatural, and beyond the realm of mortal men as I recall.” Duke Barrington said.

“Indeed m'lord. The O'Maley's gardener was the true one to blame. Greed the cause, a deadly sin to be sure, but hardly supernatural. He was able to hide his misdeed by placing a life like mannequin dressed like him in full view of his front window, where many passerby’s could see the back of it, while he murdered the O'Maley family for their family treasure under the floorboards.” It wasn't quite as simple as that, but too give the murderer’s secret was to give his own.

“Fascinating! I think you will find the task I have for you to be every bit as challenging. My granddaughter Mel has been missing for 2 years. One day a few weeks after her 18th birthday, she took a walk in the garden, and never returned.”

“So why wait two years to look for her?”

“I didn't of course; I left it to our local constables, and the Knights of Peace. The Prince even had his Inquisitors look into the matter, although I do not know what for. Nothing...until now. A rumour of a girl of striking resemblance to my granddaughter was seen at the castle's market 3 weeks ago. She used my name to help purchase some materials, and then left the capital. Patrovich can give you the details. Find my granddaughter Vad, and you will have whatever you desire, that I may give.”

“Of course m'lord.” Vad took his cue, bowed, turned and left the room. Patvorich opened the door for him, and followed him out. Vad was escorted out of the Dukes residence. Outside it had just started to rain.

“The girl was seen at the White Rat Smithy, Barrelton's Odds ' Ends, Berta's Herbs, and Masons Masonry.” Patvorich said, then threw Vad a wrapped package. “That should cover yer expenses fer now. You fin' a clue, or need sum help, come a calling. The Duke wants his sweet granddaughter bad. Cheers”. Patvorich turns around, and the guards slammed the gate.

Vad arrived early at the Castle's market, overcast skies gone from the night before; the Sun was out and promised a scorcher of a day. Storekeepers, merchants and the like were bustling with activity, setting up their shops and stands for the days market.

In the package was a bag of coins, and the Prince's seal, giving him lawful authority in all matters related to the investigation. There's was also a detailed description on the Duke's granddaughter.

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