"I think she may be having a nightmare," the nurse stated, though, Saiki had already known that from reading her thoughts.

Then Akemi suddenly shot up. Her eyes were wide and she was shaking.

"Kumiko," the nurse started cautiously. Akemi whipped her head around and stared at the nurse.

Her breath caught in her throat, "Where- where am I?"

"You're in the nurses' office. Your friend there brought you here." The nurse explained with a gentle tone.

Akemi turned around and stared at Saiki. His entire body tensed and filled with worry when he saw her. Her eyes were wide and filled with fear and panic. She looked absolutely terrified. This look had made Saiki scared.

What happened in her nightmare that made her like this?

"S-Saiki," Akemi muttered, her voice shaking with fear.

Saiki hesitated, scared he would make things worse, "Are... what happened?"

Akemi stared at him and took a few deep breaths. She closed her eyes and fell back in bed. Saiki watched with concern as Akemi seemed to be taking in everything that happened in the last 30 minutes. She then repositioned herself she was sitting against the headdress of the bed.

"Are you feeling ok?" The nurse questioned. Saiki had almost forgotten she was there.

Akemi didn't respond. She didn't even shake her head. She took a few more deep breaths before tears suddenly started to fall from her eyes.

"Will you leave us alone?" Saiki suddenly asked the nurse, earning a nod from her before she hesitantly walked out of the room. Saiki then looked at Akemi as she brought her knees into her chest and let tears fall from her eyes. He wished and wished he could read her mind. If he could, he'd be able to know what was going on and help her. But he couldn't read her mind, so he didn't know what to do.

Silence filled the room and the only sound was the occasional sob from Akemi. Until, after a few minutes, she calmed down and finally addressed Saiki, "What do you want?"

Saiki flinched at the question and her tone. He wanted to say something but didn't know what. He'd never felt like this before. He had never felt this fear when talking to someone.

"Will you tell me what happened?" Saiki asked slowly after a minute.

Akemi glared at him, but the expression fell after just a few seconds, "What did it look like? I had a panic attack."

Akemi shrunk back a bit when her voice break toward the end of her sentence. Saiki stared at her and waited a few minutes before asking, "Why?"

Akemi let out a dry laugh that made Saiki flinch, "Why? I don't know why! I've never known why I've had panic attacks. And I had thought they had stopped! But no, you and everyone else at this stupid school have to make everything so... terrible! I hate it here! I hate it!"

Saiki watched as Akemi's rage melted into more sadness. Tears formed in her eyes again and she hugged her knees.

"I hate this so much," Saiki heard Akemi mumble.

He took a deep breath before an idea came to his mind. I should find a way to get Akemi home. She'd be better off there with her parents than here. It'll also save her from having to deal with everyone bothering her when she clearly can't take it.

"You should try going back to sleep," Saiki suggested, a plan formulating in his mind. It wasn't a good plan, but it was the best one he could think of considering he couldn't think straight.

Tears fell from Akemi's eyes and Saiki suddenly had a feeling he shouldn't have said anything.

"I can't," Akemi muttered, taking in a sharp breath. "I can't."

The room filled with silence again. Saiki's plan wouldn't work unless Akemi went to sleep, and she seemed pretty against that idea. He was going to just teleport her to her house once she fell asleep and would deal with the repercussions of that later. He had just known that Akemi had to get out of the school before her classmates walked in the door asking if she was ok.

"Will you tell me what happened?" Saiki tried again hesitantly. He earned a glare for Akemi and added, "Why... you had a panic attack and can't sleep?"

Akemi tensed and shifted her gaze away from Saiki. She seemed to be thinking about what to say. If I could just read her thoughts, this would be so much easier.

"I-... This isn't the first time this has happened..." Akemi started hesitantly. "They just stopped happening as often... I guess I've been holding in too much and my body didn't react well to that."

"Holding in what?"

Akemi shook her head and didn't answer. Saiki didn't say anything else and after a minute, he stood up, "I'll leave you alone now. And tell everyone else you're fine and just went home early."

"Thank you..."

-Author Note-

Hello everyone, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. Some stuff happened and whatever. But this is an update about future chapters.

I've been prewriting chapters as I post these ones because I found that if I am writing a chapter to post every week I'll lose motivation for it(aka Idol Hero V1). But, unfortunately, I've been using the anime to help me figure out what's gonna happen next in the story and now, my Netflix is gone. This is upsetting for multiple reasons, but Netflix was really expensive and my parents didn't wanna pay for it, and as an unemployed teenager who writes fanfiction, I don't have money. So because of this, I've been having trouble with the most recent chapters I've been writing and may get stuck. So really, I'm just warning you that, if chapters get really slow, this is why.

Anyways, I just kinda wanted to complain about not having Netflix anymore. I also may not post a chapter next week depending on where I'm at with writing stuff, but we'll see. I hope you have a great day!


Violet Roses | Saiki KUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum