I opened the door, my eyebrows rising as I spotted the boys on the floor, chatting like little girls at slumber parties.  “What are you guys talking about?” I inquired, leaning against the door frame.

Britain and Dannon looked up.  Britain stretched his arms out, a smug expression on his face while Dannon rolled over on his side, facing me with a bright smile on his face.  I narrowed my eyes at them, almost certain they’d been talking about me now, before trotting forward and kicking the door shut behind me.

“Hey, Bri!” Dannon called cheerfully as I entered.  “Come join the party.”

“Two’s a party, three’s a crowd,” Britain teased, standing up and flopping onto his bed.  Apparently he didn’t want to sleep on the floor tonight.  If I were him I wouldn’t have been slept on it the first night.  The floor wasn’t comfy at all.

I scoffed, dropping myself onto my sleeping bed, curling up to my pillow.  “I assure you, this is not a party.”

Dannon laughed, bringing a hand lightly through his hair.  “Well, it isn’t now.”

I scowled at him, rolling my eyes. “Oh hardy har.”  I sighed, looking between them, the scowl slipping off my face.  “Now, what were you guys talking about?”

“Manly stuff,” Britain replied, shrugging.  “Nothing you’d understand.”

“I heard my name,” I said casually, looking between the two of them again, waiting for one of them to divulge.  But, from the looks on their faces, they weren’t about to anytime soon.

“World doesn’t revolved around you.”

I rolled my eyes at Britain’s attempt to sound cool and turned to Dannon.  “What were you guys talking about?” I demanded, hoping that since he seemed to be the nicer of the two, he’d tell me.

Apparently not.  Dannon chuckled, shaking his head.  “Britain told you already.”

“You wouldn’t lie to me would you?” I mused, batting my eyelashes playfully at him.  I bit my lip to keep from giggling at how foolish I felt.  How did girls do this?

Dannon had no problem laughing at me, however.  “I don’t know, maybe,” Dannon said with a grin.  “You’d never know, would you?  I mean, you barely know me.”

He’d only been joking, I got that.  But it was true.  And the weird thing was?  Even though we’d only talked for like . . . what?  A week or two?  it felt like I’d talked to him like this forever.  I glared inwardly.  Was I becoming some damned sap?  Oh hell to the no.

“True,” I said after a moment with a shrug.  “Hence the question.  Would you?”

Dannon sighed, a small smile spreading across his face.  “No.”

I smiled back.  “Good.”

| It ♥ All ♥ Started ♥ With ♥ An ♥ Apple |

I blinked blearily.  I could feel a tight knot in my neck, my arms sore from the way I’d been sleeping.  I blinked again.  A figure was moving around the room.  I glanced up, adjusting my position to something less painful, spotting Britain scurrying to get ready, his attempt to be quiet failing miserably.  Though, I had to give it to him: for a total klutz, he was doing a stupendous job.

“Britain,” I whispered.

Britain jumped, dropping his backpack onto the floor.  He spun, chucking an icy, shocked glare in my direction.  “Dammit, Bri!  Don’t scare me like that.”

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