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We had a few more nights left at Morioh. After another nice day in this town, we were in bed. We haven't had an incident at all in the last few days. We were going to make sure to get a good night of sleep before seeing our friends again the next day.

I was laying on my side of the bed half asleep. I was facing Jotaro seeing his outline in the dark.

Jotaro got up from the bed. His footsteps traveled to the window of the room, then back to the bed. He laid back down.

I could assume he felt some wrong, or maybe he just wanted to look outside. Either way, he didn't say anything.

Just when I was about to drift asleep, he got up from bed again. He walked to the window and came back to bed again.

Maybe he was feeling uneasy.

Hoping that everything was alright, I closed my eyes and hoped to drift back asleep.

Then he got up from the bed again.

I sighed and reached out for him. I managed to grab his shirt. I mumbled, "Hun, what's wrong?"

"Mm," was all he said.

I sat up and turned on the lamp beside the bed. I finally got a good view of him.

Jotaro looked very tired. He gulped as he looked at me. Then his eyes darted to the window. "Someone could be..." His voice trailed off.

I came to him and noticed that his breaths were deep and speeding up. It was like he was tiring from running while staying in place.

"Hey, um, are you okay?"

Jotaro breathed, "I-." His mouth clamped shut. It was like he didn't want to say anything.

Or he just couldn't.

"It's okay, Jotaro." I placed my hand on his shoulder hoping he would calm down.

But he pulled away.

Oh, that's not good.

Star Platinum manifested in between the two of us. He was more expressive than Jotaro. He was clutching his chest with an afraid look as his eyes darted all over the room.

Jotaro took a few steps back until his back against the wall. He wrapped his arms around his chest and trembled.

Okay, I've dealt with that before. He didn't want to be touch, so I'll just sit beside him like last time. Let him catch his breath and calm down. Let it run its course.

I walked around Star to stand beside Jotaro. I wish I could do something. I could only watch Jotaro hyperventilate and tremble.

He slid down the wall until he was sitting. He put his hand to his head to grab the hat that wasn't there. He tensed. Then he quickly placed his hand over his eyes.

I quickly jumped up and grabbed his hat from the bedside table. When I got it, I kneeled down in front of him and tapped the hand that were covering his face with his hat.

He looked at it and grabbed it. He placed it over his head. He wouldn't look up. A knee pulled up to his chest as he only loosened up just a little.

I sat in front of him. "Do you feel sick?"

He shook his head. He put his hand to his chest. "My heart... it's thumping hard."

"Okay," I nodded. "Can you breathe?"

"I'm going to die," he breathed. "I'm supposed to be dead."

I inhaled sharply through my nose. It hurt to see him like this. It was a panic attack or something. I didn't understand this stuff. I couldn't figure out what exactly to do.

Jotaro Kujo (Part 6) - Remember UsWhere stories live. Discover now