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I woke up the next morning. My legs and arms were tangled around Jotaro. My eyes were closed as I wasn't ready to get up yet.

Jotaro shifted beside me. He exhaled and groaned, "Yare yare daze."

Hm, haven't heard that in a while. I decided to see what he was seeing.

Currently, he was looking at the covers that were a tangled mess with us. He pulled it from over him with his free arm. He sat up and groaned. He held his lower back with his hand. Then he turned to look at me.

I had his other arm under me wrapped being held by both of my arms.

A soft smile crept on his face.

I thought back to last night. His thighs on both sides of me. Him trying to get refamiliar with our own little thing. Him below me panting and losing himself as he unintentionally grabs both of my wrists to keep me in place. I think I almost saw his eyes roll back with each and every thrus-.

"Are you awake or are you having a great dream?"

I opened my eyes to see me looking at myself. I stopped using my power to get my bearings straight. When I looked back at him, he looked at me amused.

"Mornin'," I mumbled sheepishly.

"Good morning."

I finally let go of his arm and sat up. I wrapped the covers around my shoulder and gave Jotaro a kiss on the cheek. "I'm hungry." I got up from the bed taking the covers with me.

Jotaro muttered, "Yare yare daze."

I laughed as I pick up my underwear from the floor.


I answered, "It's been a while since you ever said that."

"What? Yare yare daze?"

"Yeah." I started putting on my pajamas so that I could be presentable when I leave the room. "It's like one of your little catchphrases."

"Hm," he said this as he began putting on his own clothes.

By the time we were done, we went to the kitchen. We found Holly and Jolyne. Holly and Jolyne were currently fixing breakfast.

Holly said, "So how was last night?"

My mind immediately went to our activities from our bedroom, but my brain switched over to our date. "It was great."

Jolyne said, "Must be. You two didn't come home til late. Did you do something after your date?"

"What do you mean? We did stuff like we would do." I was stumbling over my words.

Jotaro jumped in, "We went to the aquarium."

I exhaled. What else would she be asking? Why was I so on edge? We sleep in the same bed for Pete's sake!

Faintly, I could see Star Platinum behind Jotaro. He was stifling a laugh. Then he disappeared.

I glared at him.

Jotaro just looked at me back as if he wasn't just internally laughing at me. "Coffee?"

Did no one else see that? Was no one else paying attention? I glanced at the only other two that were in the kitchen. They were still busy cooking.

I sat down on a chair at a table. "Sure."

The morning went by smoothly. In fact, we were all well rested. Spending time with family and friends as Jotaro caught up with them and refamiliarize with them was refreshing.

Jotaro Kujo (Part 6) - Remember UsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz