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It was midnight when Kanav returned to his sister's home, he directly went to the guest room to get changed.

After that he went to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee. He was working quietly, trying to not make any sound because everyone was sleeping.
There were lot of things going in his mind, things he was not related to at all.

Someone touched his shoulder which bring him out of his trance and he turned around to meet his elder sister, Pooja. Her eyes were half closed, anyone can say she was tired.

"make me one too, please" she asked him in sleepy voice and went to the living room after he nodded.

She was sitting on the sofa, looking a little more awake now when he came their with their cups of coffee.

She took one cup muttering a small thankyou when he sat beside her.

"How's Arush?" He asked her while stretching his neck.

"His temperature has come down but you know how he gets when he is ill." He nodded clearly knowing his 3 year old nephew.

"Anyways how was wedding, did you say sorry to Radhika ma'am?, what did she say, how was Naina looking? I am sure she must be looking soo pretty. Did you click her pictures, I told you to do that." His sister started asking, looking pretty curious excited and awake now and his thoughts went to the person he was trying really hard not to think about. No doubt she was beautiful.

He turned to his sister and told her what happened there except what he heard outside Naina's room.

His sister was shocked was an understatement. She didn't say anything for some time, she actually didn't know what to say.

Radhika ma'am has always been a very important person to his sister he knew that much and knowing what her family must be going through at that time was difficult to imagine.

"How can someone do that and with Naina, I mean she is sweetest person I know." Again just listening to her name his heart started having those weird feelings.

"I will go and meet her as soon as possible" she said mostly talking to herself.

"No." Listening to this she turned to him and looked at him in questioning way.

"I think you should not go there now atleast for sometime, it's difficult time for them. We should give them privacy to deal with the things."

His sister nodded pressing her head "yes, you are right. I will go to meet them after sometime."

After that his sister did not said anything, she went back to her room without even finishing her coffee.


It was next morning, everyone was having breakfast. Arush was sitting on Kanav' lap, who was feeding him. Arush was still not well but he was better than yesterday. That little human has wrapped everyone around his finger.

Viren, kanav's brother in law knew what happened at the wedding and was trying to cheer up his wife who was still upset about the whole fiasco.

"Come on, look at the bright side atleast Naina didn't get married to that guy, they got to know everything before marriage" Viren said gaining everyone's attention, Pooja put her hands on table and lean back on her chair.

"I know but she is just a normal girl, she would have planned her whole life with him and suddenly everything just don't matter. I don't know what she must be going through, what Radhika ma'am must be going through. It must be so difficult for them."

Viren holds her hand to give her reassurance " Naina is very strong and mature girl. I am sure she must be dealing it better than you" he said while smiling making Pooja laugh a little.

Kanav was frowning listening to them, he knew about Radhika ma'am family and how much importance she holds in his sister's heart. He has heard so much about them and everything was only good. But listening to them, he knew that everyone has met them so many times that they understand each other well. Only he was the one left who has not met them or more specifically her, he has not met her.

And suddenly he was curious, curious to know the person who has been on his mind from last night, he was curious to know the emotions in those chocolate brown eyes, he was curious to know fears behind that confident face, he was curious to know the secrets behind her gracefull personality, he was curious to know her, curious to know Naina Aneja.

Kanav was in his thoughts that he didn't even notice what everyone was talking about, he clearly wasn't listening. Viren was teasing his wife when he turned towards Kanav to tease him
"So Kanav you, did you find something interesting there or someone interesting that caught your attention?"

"The bride"

Kanav replied instantly without thinking much as he was still busy in his own thoughts but both his sister and brother in law stop eating and looked at him with wide eyes. Even Arush who was busy in eating and didn't even know what everyone was talking about also turned to his mamu when he noticed everyone was looking at him.

Before anyone can say anything his phone rings due to which he come out of his trance and he answers the call. After the call he gets up after making Arush sit on the next chair.

"Di, I have to go to hospital, I can be late don't wait for me. Okay" he said and went out of the house after taking his bag from the living room, without realizing what he just said few minutes ago because of which Pooja and Viren are still in shock. Arush looked at his parents in confusion for sometime and then shook his head and started eating again silently.

***** ******

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