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He was cursing himself for agreeing with his sister, after all he was the person who hates gatherings the most, they include too many people which suffocates him. He avoids them at all cost but because of his sister he is here going to attend a wedding on her behalf.

He could have easily denied her but then she started her emotional blackmail which for him was more unbearable than this wedding.

He arrived at venue a little late but that was not a problem, he was not here to enjoy the wedding, for God's sake, he didn't even know whose wedding is this. His plan was to go inside, meet the lady who invited his sister, give her his sister's message and gifts and then go back home.

He parked his car, took out the wedding gifts which his sister has prepared and enter inside the marriage hall. The hall was filled with people, talking, enjoying, some were dancing and in full on celebration mode. He looked at the stage where no one was sitting yet and he frown upon that. He thought he was late. Anyway he didn't wanted to wait so he started walking up to the stairs where rooms were present, he wanted to find the host quickly. He asked someone who was passing by him "excuse me, can you tell me where is Radhika ma'am?"

"Oh, she is in the third room to the left" that person answered hurriedly without even looking at him and went from there.

He started moving towards the third room when he saw some girls coming out of the first room leaving the door open behind them. He was going to pass by the room when he heard a soft voice which made him stop in his tracks.

" what do you mean you can't marry me, what am I going to tell my mother?"

Their was an edge in that voice which made him turn his head, the door was slightly open so he came two steps back to look and what he saw just made his breath hitched, there was standing a women dressed up in bridal attire looking like a proclaim doll, he has never seen something more beautiful than this, she was wearing a red dress and dupatta covering her head, her choora was clicking making the most melodious sound as she was talking on phone, she was wearing all the jewelries which consist of bridal look but that nose pin which was touching her upper lips took his special attention, her makeup was on point, she was simply a sight to behold.

A thud noise made him come out of his thought and he cursed himself as he was checking out the bride whose wedding he has come to attend. He shook his head and was about to step forward when he heard the soft voice again which made him stop.

" There are not coming" her voice was shaky and the other girl who just came out of the washroom went to the bride quickly and held her hands.

"Who is not coming?" The other girl asked and anyone can clearly detect fear in her voice.

The bride looked up at the girl, and a tear fell out from her eye which almost made his heart clenched, and he didn't even knew the reason.

" Vikas and his family, they canceled the wedding" her voice was low as if the the whole world's burden was put on her shoulders and maybe it was, he can't even imagine how that bride must be feeling whose wedding just got canceled.

" what the hell" the other girl shouted they didn't even notice that the door was open and anyone can hear them.

The bride sat on the bed tiredly, took deep breath and looked at the other girl
"We didn't complete their demands, we gave them a different model of car and not the one they have wanted, we didn't booked the hall they wanted, so they decided to cancel the wedding" This time their was anger in her voice. He wanted to move, he knew evasdropping was wrong but he was not able to, for a stupid fact and he was still unable to take his eyes off the bride.

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