✰ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹𝟷 ✰

Start from the beginning

"Samanthi blames herself to this day, but the culprit is that crazy man. He must be incarcerated in perpetuity to live with the burden of guilt forever," she said and I nodded agreeing with her. 

"Mom, let's not talk about him anymore, okay," I pulled away to face her, and added, "We're all fine. And he won't hurt us anymore."

"I'm not so sure. You haven't seen what he's really capable of," she said and I shook my head, wanting to close this matter for now. 

"Let's finish tidying the kitchen," I said, and a little hesitantly, my mother agreed and we both went back to straighten things. Later after we had everything ready, amma went to take a little nap. I took the opportunity and headed to the garden, where there were two swings. I loved this place. It soothes me. From what little I know of my past, before the accident, I see that I still like this place. I will never change completely, I feel like I'm the same today as I was a year ago. And definitely, I feel the same way about Ashwineyy that I felt in the past. I shook my head, dispelling those thoughts.

I need to focus on my work. Remembering that I took my phone out of the back pocket and smiled seeing my wallpaper, 

Even though I'm immensely against smoking, and have been forcing him to stop, he looked too hot to not be my wallpaper

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Even though I'm immensely against smoking, and have been forcing him to stop, he looked too hot to not be my wallpaper. I went through my contact and looked for my boss's contact. I looked at the contact below, I wanted to call him, but the time is not right. I'll sort out another matter first. 

I clicked on the name I wanted and soon the call was calling. 

-Hello? Sivaangi? How are you?

-Hi uncle, I'm fine now. Sorry to disappoint you. 

-Disappoint me? You never did that, thangam. 

-I...I'm recovering, but I wanted to if I can go back to work as soon as possible. I know I gave you too much trouble. First the resignation at Waverly Hills and now....

-It's okay thangam. As I always say, you are very competent. Everyone has problems and we have to learn to understand. It's all right. Once you've fully recovered, head back to the clinic. I won't give up on you so quickly. - I smiled at his joke and then I heard his laugh. 

-The day after tomorrow is my birthday, do you want to come to celebrate with all of us - I jumped up from the swing and I widened my eyes for having almost forgotten. 

-My god, uncle - I heard him laugh - Of course I will. We always celebrate your birthday. 

-Come on then. My wife and son are very missing you so much - he said and I smiled. 

-How are aunt and Advik doing?

-They're fine, they always ask about you. Mainly my son- I laughed embarrassed. Advik was my boyfriend after Ashwin. I mean, after having forgotten about Ashwin along with my past memories. But it didn't work out, and when I met Ashwin, I understood what was missing, it was the magic. Nowadays I feel nothing but affection for him. And we made it very clear that nothing would change between us when we decided that the best thing would be not to date anymore. 

𝐌𝐲 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now