"I'm always up for sex with my gorgeous girlfriend" he whispered so the five year old in the other side of the door won't him.

"You can come in Maddie!" Andy said as she got off of Robert.

Maddie ran into the room and jumped on the bed happily. Crawling in between her parents she sat and leaned her back against the bed board.

"It's my birthday!" She said with excitement in her voice.

"It is! Do you want to go open your presents?" Robert asked as he pulled her in for a hug and kissed her head.


"Than let's go" Andy said.

She carried Maddie in her arms down the stairs and when they got to the last one Maddie saw her presents and everything organized for her first birthday celebration.

Maddie jumped out of her mom's hands and ran to the kitchen island. She claimed on one of the bar stools and ended up sitting on the counter itself.

"Maddie what I said about jumping out of my hands?"

"That it's dangerous and I might fall so I shouldn't do it" Maddie's time was a little disappointed as she knew she did something her mom told her not to.

"It's okay baby, just remember that for the next time okay?"

"Okay mommy"

Robert and Andy went up to the kitchen and got the cake and all the food out of the fridge.

"There's a cake?" Maddie's smile spread across her face again "wait mommy you didn't make this did you? Because you don't know how to bake cakes"

"I did it with help from daddy so we're all good sweetie" Andy laughed at the mention of her daughter about how her and baking it cooking isn't the greatest combination.

Robert let out a small laugh as well and hugged Andy from behind, placing his chin on the top of her head.

"You wanna start with cake or presents?"

"Presents!" Maddie said decisively.

"Than go for it" Robert laughed.

Maddie opened all three presents one after the other and every time her reaction to the present was priceless.

She was so happy and her parents both enjoyed seeing her like that so much more. Her smile is everything to them and as long as she's happy they know everything is going to be fine.

"Now cake mommy!" Andy brought the candles she put six of them on the cake. Five because she's turning five and one more just for good luck in the next year of her life.

She carefully lighten the candles "make a wish baby!"

"I wish..." Maddie had to stop to think about her wish. She was fed about of things but she can only wish for one thing so she wanted to choose the thing she wanted the most "I wish my mommy and daddy will get married in a big wedding so I could wear a pretty dress" she eventually said and it took both her parents breath away.

"Now blow them out!" Andy said and when the girl was busy with that Robert whispered into Andy's ear "did she just..?"

"She did" Andy said with shock on her face.

"Well she's ruining my surprise" Robert said blushing. Andy turned and looked at him with the most confused look Robert have seen in his life.

He reached his hand to one of the kitchen doors and took out a small black velvet box.

Never againTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang