"Are you guys leaving already?" Kemi asked.

"Duuh! What does it look like we're doing". Bella replied in an annoyed tone.

And within seconds, they were out of my house.

I sat on a sofa trying to understand what had just happened.



"Kosi, Williams, Bella. They hate me. They still hate me".

"No they don't. They just apologized. I'm sure it's hard for you to believe knowing all they did to you, you'll realize it with time okay. I think they really might be sorry. If they weren't they wouldn't have bothered finding your house and coming to meet you in person". Kemi said, patting my back.

"You don't understand. They were pretending. When you left they admitted they were acting. They said they still hated me and want to make my life miserable". I said.

"Really? Are you sure you aren't just exaggerating" He said.

"Noooo!! They even said you're not the good friend I think you are". I said.

"Even Williams said that?" He asked.

"No, Bella did". I replied.

"Well, if they did tell you that, don't listen to them. . . You trust me right?" Kemi asked, maintaining eye contact with me as he awaited my answer.

"Yeah! 100%" I said. He smiled at my answer.

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

"Of course, I do, 100%" He said, smiling,
"Can I get another orange drink? This stuff's so good".

I laughed and walked him to the Kitchen.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It was a Monday morning and we were through with the morning assembly.

As soon as I got to the class, I walked to the time table and checked what subject we're having first. It was literature.

I went to my desk and brought out my literature note, awaiting the Literature teacher as I spoke with Zane.

Soon, the English teacher walked in and we were all stood up to greet the teacher. And after that, she ordered us to sit back down.

"What novel did I say we're reading this term" Miss Chiamaka, our English teacher who also takes us on Literature asked.

The class began to talk at once. It was so noisy. How could they be so noisy on a morning.

"Keep quiet!!" She yelled "I don't want chorus answers. Class prefect which novel are we reading this term?" She asked.

"Mmm, My Destiny" Omega, the new class prefect said.

"Okay, everyone bring out the My Destiny novel. Who will read for us?" She asked.

"Me" Kemi said raising his hands.

"Okay, start" She said.

The novel was quite interesting, we weren't able to completely read all the chapters but so far it was good.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I stood at the front of the school gate patiently with Zane waiting for Kemi.

"What's taking him so long?" I asked. Zane just looked at me and shrugged.

"Should I go there? I really don't want to. My bag's heavy" I muttered under my breathe.

"You can't go on your own cos I'm supposed to be protecting you. Let's both go check up on him" Zane said. Apparently, he had heard what I said.

"But my bag's heavy" I whined.

"I'll carry it for you" He said, as he slowly removed my school bag from my shoulder.

Believe me I wasn't expecting that!

I turned away so he wouldn't see me blush.

"Oh My God! Tega what did you put inside here? Rocks?" He said, as he struggled to carry his bag and mine at once. I laughed at him.

"If you're a man the weight of my bag would be too small for you" I said, still laughing.

"Of course, it's small. I'm a man, if someone tell me to carry you, your bag and mine I can do it" He said, jokingly and laughed as well.

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" He said.

We went upstairs to our class, with Zane walking behind me. As soon as I had gotten to the floor my class was, someone pulled me to the side.

"What's your problem?! Leave me alone" I said to the person, who turned out to be Bella.

"You have to listen to this" Bella said, as she brought out her phone from her school bag.

I gasped "You know you're not supposed to bring your phone to school".

"I'm holding it now, nothing has happened so listen" She said, and began to play an audio in her phone.

"To say the truth, I don't consider Tii-ge my best friend anymore. Rosemary's a much better alternative. We're really close. It's almost time to break it down to Tii-ge about our friendship break up. She's not worth it, so not my type. Rosemary's my new girl" And just like that, the audio ended.

"Kemi, duuuh! Didn't you recognize his voice?!" Bella said.

"No, I know Kemi. He would never say a thing like that. I trust him" I said confidently.

"Okay" She said, still smiling and tapping her phone, "Perhaps this will convince you" She said, as she showed me a video of Kemi speaking with Stella on her phone. They were seated in our classroom and Kemi looked sad.

"Can't she just leave me alone. Like, she thinks she's my best friend but she's not even close. She's so jobless, even Rosemary that's a talkative is much better than her. It's unfortunate we sit close to each other and the teacher never lets us change seats. It's such a nightmare!" And that was the end of the video.

I was shocked, I was astonished, . . . I was flabbergasted.

"Now do you believe me?" Bella asked.

"I-I, No!! I refuse to believe this. I know you're lying. It's not true, I know Kemi, I can never be his nightmare!!" I yelled, and stormed off. I entered the class and saw Kemi sitting on his chair, he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. I approached him and he still didn't notice me standing in front of him. He looked sad and angry at the same time.

"Kemi" I said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Tega" He called. He sounded hesitant to call my name.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"N-nothing. Just answer this one question" He said.


"If I hurt you by accident..would you hate me?" He asked.

This question got me confused. How could I hate him?!


"Just answer" He said.

"No. I can never hate you, ever and besides, you would only hurt me by accident not on purpose" I replied. He looked at me skeptically and confused.

What's happening?

"Can we go now?" I asked.

"Y-yeah sure" He replied.

My Secondary School Life Where stories live. Discover now