Start from the beginning

He's dangerous, you know it. You can feel it. You can feel your heart racing as seconds pass by just with the idea of being near Mikey. You remained standing though, concealing the arising fear inside you. It's not the fear from getting hurt but the fear that the darkness inside Mikey will swallow him whole after you reveal the truth to him.

You can't reveal the truth to him.

Not yet.

You exhaled heavily, "I promised I'll protect you..."

"That fucking nonsense again?" Mikey muttered in disbelief as he's finally a step closer towards your direction, "You're going to spit shits in my face again?"

Your jaw clenches with the words coming out of Mikey's mouth. You feel a slight pang of pain inside your chest. Mikey looks into your eyes with hatred and disappointment, and that look is enough to slowly break the barrier that protects your heart.

"I..." You whispered, unable to say anything, "I want you to live free with happiness in the future with everyone."

You freeze when Mikey harshly grabs your collar. You can feel the anger from his grasp. You are really thankful that the mask that you are wearing is hiding the pain in your eyes. It hides your shaking lips as you try to stop yourself from shedding a tear.

"I don't fucking need your help," Manjiro muttered slowly as if he wants you to savour every words that will come out of his mouth, "I don't fucking need you."

Tears just fall in your cheeks and you are really grateful that you are wearing the mask. It continuously falls down as if there's no other way to stop it. Your breathing becomes heavier as you try to remain calm in front of him. He's holding your collar really tight as if he's just stopping himself and his anger towards you.

You bite your lower lip tightly as you tried to speak while hiding your silent sob, "I-It doesn't matter. As long as you'll be free from all of this, I'm fine with that. I am glad I met you. I'm not helping you at all, not in the way that you're thinking at least. But I-I want to see your genuine smiles someday... maybe... I want to see it, Mikey. I want to see you smiling w-whole heartedly with everyone you hold dear... that's also my happiness. You don't need me, I know that, but let me do what I must..."

Mikey's grasp on your collar slowly loosened up as he chuckled shortly in disbelief. He let go of you but the hatred and the disappointment in his eyes didn't change at all. You are standing there, unable to say anything anymore.

"Listen." Mikey started in a serious manner as he looked at you with disappointment, "You are the worst person that I've ever met."

He reaches his hand out and removes your mask slowly, only to see the streaming tears on your face. You expression remains calm but tears are just coming out while your eyes meet him. Mikey's eyes change a little upon seeing your tears and the pained expression in your eyes.

The words that comes out of his mouth, it is painful.

REWRITTEN: Sano Manjiro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now