♡ Chapter Twelve ♡

Start from the beginning

They spent a minute or two looking at each other before they began to laugh together
"We're both stupid then." Akutagawa spoke running the back of his hand along Atsushi's cheek.
"Yeah...we are." Atsushi breathed out with a small chuckle, leaning his head into Akutagawa's hand.
"So... are we dating then?" Akutagawa asked trailing his hands down Atsushi's body so he could hold his hand.
"Well do you want to...date?"
"Aren't you the one who's read a lot of romance? Shouldn't you know how this works?" Akutagawa asked with a raised eyebrow, Atsushi pouted
"I'll have you know a boy and girl meeting in high school is incomparable to two boys meeting and one cutting the others leg off."  Atsushi retorted, waving his finger around as he spoke, mimicking some sort of teacher, it almost reminded Akutagawa of Dazai.
"You'll never let me live that down will you?"
"Nope." Atsushi smiled brightly at him, lifting up his hand to cup Akutagawa's cheek
"But I was just as bad so....either way I want to date you." he noticed as the other stared at him for a moment
"So I guess we're dating then!" Atsushi beamed, watching as Akutagawa looked at before clearing his throat and looking away, Atsushi raised any eyebrow at that, Akutagawa wanted to do or say something but was clearly to embarrassed to say anything.
"What is it?" Atsushi asked encouragingly, he had always been the more affectionate one between then two, Akutagawa was never used to giving anyone else but his sister affection, so he wasn't really sure how to go about it with anyone else.

"I- it's...it's nothing." He murmured turning his gaze up towards the sky, it was only a matter of time until the doctors would find them on the roof.

"Oh come on~ Please?" Atsushi pouted giving him a cute look -well as cute as you could look covered in blood.

"I...I just thought about how you're my boy-boyf- boyfriend." Akutagawa stuttered still refusing to make eye contact with the silver haired man laying in his lap. Atsushi smiled cheekily yet still fondly to himself,
"Yup you're my boyfriend and I'm your boyfriend!" Akutagawa glared at him with pursed lips
"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" he asked trying his best to not seem to flustered
"I can't help it, your reactions really cute." Atsushi grinned.

Akutagawa still wanted to talk to the latter about something, it had been bugging him since the man-tiger had ran away
"Why did you run to find Dazai-san, I know you care about him, but you were injured, what would you be able to do, you don't even have your ability." Atsushi's smiled fell into a guilt-like expression, turning to face the opposite direction
"I couldn't help it, I couldn't just sit there and wait for everyone to find him..."
"But what about you? Your body, me? It was so fucking scary to come back and see you gone." He was trying his best to no show his emotions but he couldn't help it. Atsushi had become as important as his sister was, he didn't even care about getting Dazai's approval as much anymore, it was appreciated when or if given but it wasn't necessary, Atsushi was much more important than any of that.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't think about that. I was just scared and I act -you know- irrational when I'm scared." Akutagawa sighed
"Sorry, I know Dazai saved you, I just... I don't know, it's dumb anyway."
"It's not Ryuu, I should have told you to go look for him, but instead I got myself in this mess. I know what you're thinking and you don't need to worry. I like you, I like you a lot." Atsushi assured ad he sat up groaning in pain but still somehow managing to shuffle closer to Akutagawa.
"What are you doing you'll make your wounds wors-" Atsushi turned his head to listen to him talk, only for his nose to gently brush against Akutagawa's.

Both of their faces dusted with pink as they stared at each others eyes, Akutagawa couldn't help but glance down at the smaller's lips, then back at his eyes feeling embarrassed that he had been caught. Atsushi turned his body so that he was no longer sideways and now he was sitting on the latter's lap, he placed his hands on Akutagawa's shoulders.

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