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Well today I was talking to like the greatest person on Earth(you know who you are!)

So me and her we're talking and she said "Guess what."

And me being the crazy person I am I replied with a "What? WHAT??????? TELL ME!!!!!"

And she's like "I loveeeeeee youuuuu(in a friendly way of course)"

I almost die from happiness at that. I replied with a, "Awww I LOVE YOU TOO!"

"YAYYYY!!! I feel so loved!!" She says.

"Maybe it's because you are? Lol" I say.

She says "I don't feel loved by everyone."

That hurt a lot to hear her say that but this is what I said, "Well that's the thing.....not everyone is gonna love or like you and not everyone is gonna hate or despise you. See it's like the chapter I'm working on, your gonna have your good moments and your gonna have your bad moments. It's the same with people, your gonna meet good people and your gonna meet bad people. There will always be pros and cons."

I can't believe I said that. I mean I didn't even think about it! I just said it, ya know?


(I kept her name a secret just in case she just wants this anonymous.)


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