"Fuck, fuck, fuck," She muttered, as blood continued to run from her nose, and now also a gash on her forehead from the car. "Oh, fuck!"

She sat there for a few minutes, feeling horrible, before looking in their bar for anything to wrap her finger up with. They had a bandage, that she quickly wrapped her finger in, yelling out with the pain. She checked their car, taking their food, blankets and medical supplies, trying to ignore the blood stains and bits of hair around the car. 

She took anything useful, shoving it in her bag, before wiping some of the blood from her face, getting her knife back, and leaving the bodies of the first people she ever killed behind her, not knowing that Clementine was going to amputate her finger.

*     *     *

"Dad?" Gabe repeated outside the gates of New Richmond, looking at David, the man who murdered AJ.

But David wasn't looking at him. He was looking at Javi. "Javi? Is that really you?"

"God!" Javi grinned, as Luna and Clem glanced nervously at each other. "You have no idea how good it is to see your face!"

"I think I have a pretty decent idea, actually."

Gabe ran into him, wrapping his arms around his torso. "I knew you were still alive! I knew it!"

All the people kept their guns on them.

David waved him arms. "Hey, weapons down! This is my family!"

"You've got to let us in," Javi said. "Kate doesn't have much longer."

"Jesus - Kate!"

Luna couldn't even make a joke about Jesus.

"David?" Kate whispered.

"I'm here, honey. I'm right here. What the hell happened?"

"She's been shot," Javi said. "We got the bullet out, but she's still bleeding. We need your doctor. Now, David!"

"Thanks, Javi. For gettin' her here," David took Kate from him before yelling. "She's coming inside!"

"But she hasn't been checked!" Beanie Brain yelled.

"This is my wife, Max. You want her to die?"

"No! I didn't say that!"

"Wait, I'm coming with you!" Gabe ran after David as he brought Kate into Richmond.

Everyone else went to follow, but the guard stood in their way. 

"Sorry, but the rest of you have to go straight to quarantine," One of them said.

Tripp crossed his arms. "What for?"

"All newcomers get checked for bites. And they all have to answer a couple of questions. Our doctor will clear both of them, but the rest of you have to come with us to the quarantine holding area."

"Fine," Javi put his hands on his hips. "Let's just get this over with."

"Javi-" Tripp started.

"Make my job easier, would you?" The guard said. "Listen to your friend. Let's go!"

With Clem hold Luna's sleeve, the group made their way after the guard.

She led them to what looked like an old locket room. Blue lockers lined the walls, a bench in the centre. A broken sink lay against a wall, showers on the other. The door was thick and metal, a large lock on the outside.

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