I'm Greatful You're Mine (NSFW Red Velvet/Madeleine)

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(Mostly soft smut, slight praise kink, Madeleine is part cake aswell, some cuddling and aftercare, rv definitely has a soft side, Madeleines ???? Is unspecified but he uses he/him

I spent way too much time on this)

With a light thunk Madeleine dropped his sheild and sword by the door, the blonde sighed, stretching out his arms and cracking his knuckles. It had been a long night, being called out to lead an emergency border patroll, spending hours looking for something that was already long gone.

He shook his head, trying to clear the sleep from their mind when quiet barking started. A small cakehound rushed up to him, Chiffon. Madeleine smiled softly, draping his cape over the coat rack before kneeling down to pet the cake.

"Hello, good to see you too little one!" He spoke in a quiet but cheerful voice, the hounds tail wagging fast as the cookie rubbed its strawberry-coloured ears. He stood up, Chiffon returning back to it's small bed, seemingly satisfied. But now that Chiffon had shown itself he couldn't help but wonder where the other he shared the quaint home was.

The blonde quickly unclasped their armor and put it by their weaponry halfhazardly before walking twoards their bedroom.
Laying peacefully was a tangle of red and black hair, mixed with white fluffy blankets. But the footsteps and creak of the bedroom door made the cookie look up.

"You're home..?" Red Velvet whispered questioningly. Madeleine hummed a yes, stepping over and sitting down on the foot of the bed. The redhead sat up
"I missed you," it was honestly funny, at some point in time the cookie infront of him would've never said such a thing, but now was a different story.

"I missed you too, Darling"
Red Velvet scoffed at the petname, pulling the blonde into a hug, there was the feisty cookie that Madeleine loved.
"I'm sorry they called me, poorly timed I know," the knight laughed slightly, strong arms wrapping tightly around his waist and a kiss being left in the crook of his neck.

Velvet pulled away slightly, his cake hand holding up the others. The blonde had the same creamy white stripes that went through both of his cake arms, but the claws on his hands were less prominent.
The redhead laced their hands together and kissed Madeleine again, this time further up by his jawline

"My, my, did you really miss me or are you just touch starved Darling?" They giggled again, feeling themselves being pushed down onto the bed. Velvet looked down at him with a small frown, his sharp fangs poking out slightly

"I missed you, your voice, and so much more. I want to spend time with you, but the guard always takes you away," he grumbled, feeling along the blondes waist

"How about you make up all that lost time, yes?" The cookie would've continued but was immediately caught up with soft lips upon his own. Humming appreciatively as Red Velvet unbuttoned his dress shirt, sliding it down the blondes shoulders.

The rest of the twos clothing followed having been tossed to the floor lazily. Madeleine had grabbed a small lube bottle from the nightstands drawer, handing it over to the cake before laying on his back again, legs parted.

Velvet traced a clawed finger over the blondes inner thigh, it barley leaving a scratch yet the knight couldn't help but shudder when the redhead kissed the same spot lightly. The feeling was mostly a distraction to slick fingers pressing against his entrance.

"You're beautiful, so perfect.." the cake muttered, rubbing circles in the others thigh as they slowly stretched open the others wet entrance. Two fingers easily became three, steadily pumping them alongside warm walls
Madeleine arched their back a hand going up to their mouth in a way to block quiet whimpers.

"I- ah!" He was cut off with a moan, Velvets fingers brushing against that one sweet spot "I think I'll be okay now!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Darling, please?" And how could Velvet say no to such a sweet voice? The redhead pulled out his fingers and picked up the previously disgarded lube, graciously pouring some on his neglected member. He groaned, stroking his cock a few times before lining up with the blondes hole.

The cake pushed in slowly, Madeleine having a satisfied sigh with the new weight in his groin, hips finally connecting.

Pulling back around halfway and quickly thrusting back in the redhead creates a fast pace, the blonde wrapping his large thighs around the cookies waist. Velvet leaned forwards to kiss Madeleine, the other pulling them in close and pushing them both against the bedsheets.

"You're so good- nngh!" Velvet bucked up into the others tight heat, the knight whining. Madeleines face was flushed a light pinkish colour, but the dim lighting of their room made it an elegant red, the blush spreading down onto his shoulders and chest with warmth.

The cake continued to quickly thrust into the blonde, hitting that one place that made Madeleine see stars. He gave a punched moan, his arms jolting up to hold onto Velvets shoulders, claws digging into soft flesh.
The redhead shuddered, biting his lip as he felt the knights hole tighten around him as the other cried out a last time. Velvet came soon after with a gasp.

Madeleine let go of the others shoulders when they pulled out, through bleary eyes he could see a dark red on the tips of his claws from accidentaly puncturing skin

"Oh.. I'm sorry Dear," he laughed lightly, almost out of breath.

"It's perfectly fine, could I get you anything?"

"Just a towel for now, and don't forget something to clean off those scratches," Madeleine replies, leaning up slightly to peck the other cookie on the lips. Red Velvet nodded, standing up awkwardly, the blonde tossed him a blanket from the foot of the bed to cover his dignity with a giggle.

The redhead came back a moment later, handing over a washcloth and grabbing some lounge clothes from their dresser. While the blonde wiped himself off the cake used an alcohol swab or two to clean up his shoulders.

"I love you, Darling," Madeleine whispered, laying back down

"I love you too," Velvet replied with a smile, laying down next to the cookie when he was done cleaning off his own body.
Pulling a blanket over the two he held the knights hand, admiring the swirly cake pattern in the skin once again. "You really are a beauty"

"You say that far too often,"

"It's because I really mean it" Velvet snuggled up against his lover, their hands still intertwined.

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