𝐗𝐗. pity party

Start from the beginning

I wondered if I was better off knowing nothing.

"I don't blame anyone-"

"Well, you should," his low voice had an edge to it, serrated and angry.

"I won't. No amount of blaming can change me now. Don't you get that?" I felt exasperated, struggling to express myself. "Everyone feels bad, but I don't," I looked up at him with a furrowed brow, "I don't... I don't feel much of anything. So why should you?"

He refused to look down at me, licking his lips in frustrated thought. Something within me said to take his silence and run with it.

"Emmett," he looked down as I called his name, "Emmett, look at me."

It took a few moments, but he listened, stubbornly turning to me with a childish pout.


"Every day I have to wake up and think about nothing. There aren't any memories to reminiscence over, no plans with friends, nothing. Just a whole lot of disappointed looks from y'all. I'm constantly reminded, every time I try to have a conversation with one of you, that you're waiting for someone to come back. And- and I don't even know who that person is! I'm just... I'm-"

I set the tea down, not wanting to smash the entire thing with my tightening grip. Controlling my newfound strength was a skill I hadn't quite mastered yet.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. It's okay, tiny, c'mere,"

Before I could stop myself, my body moved on its own, burrowing deeply into the muscular torso of the man standing by my side. Figuratively, and literally.

It was Rosalie who informed me that Emmett and I had been dating before. She didn't say much else, leaving me to question the rest of the family on the matter. Alice said we were inseparable, Esme called us "the epitome of young love," but it was Edward's claims that struck me.

"Since I've met him, Emmett has been waiting for someone to pledge himself to. His thoughts, they always lead back to you; you're all he can think about."

A heavy sentiment, but beautiful nonetheless. I was shocked that he had eyes for me, even when I'd been a human. And now, here he was, loyalty unwavering.

"God," I had to laugh at myself, "you know, all I want to do right now is cry. And... I can't even do that."

"Don't say that," he mumbled, his chin nudging against the top of my head as he spoke.

"Even big guys like you should cry. It's healthy,"

"I think you'll find vampires have different health habits," I could hear the smugness in his voice, causing me to look up with a hidden grin.

He smiled down at me, the space around us slowly disappearing.

"So I've learned. Um," I pulled away, taking a step back, "thank you. For that, I mean... I didn't mean to get all sorry for myself."

Emmett shook his head, "Don't worry about it, tiny."

Turning back to the railing, I shook my head and chuckled. "Stop calling me that," my eyes narrowed up towards him, the playfulness of our conversation igniting something within me.

"Nahhhh, don't think I will," he winked, "tiny."

I felt flustered. No wonder I fell for him before.

Clearing my throat, I desperately attempted to change the subject.

"Uh, a-anyway, everyone must be looking forward to tonight, right? Graduation... exciting," I picked the mug up, shifting anxiously.

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