"You don't think he's done something illegal, do you?" She asked, eyeing the door to ensure no one walked in on their conversation. Aizawa sucked in a breath. He didn't know. He honestly didn't know. He didn't want to think about it either. 

"Where do you think they would be if they were here?" He asked, the tiredness returning to voice at the thought of the task ahead of him. Midnight shrugged. "No idea. The campus is massive, especially with the new additions like the extra gyms and dorms.". Aizawa nodded. He might as well start looking now. He didn't like the idea that this is what befell the poor kid, but he couldn't ignore that it could be the reality. He had a lot of searching to do. 

-------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------

"Did you know revenge is not a wholly human concept?".


"Didn't think so. Now, animals take revenge on each other too, they just don't do it like humans do.". The rat man paused for a moment before continuing. "Recently the hero commission has been pushing me to do something about your little league. People are angry with you and your little friends." Nezu 'explained'. "So I decided to capture a league member and turn them over to the hero commission. Let them decide what to do with you. How does that sound?". 

"That makes no fucking sense." Jun said, his throat scratchy and dry. Nezu just laughed. 

"It doesn't matter what you think at this point. They'll be here any minute. I hope you had some time to sleep while I was gone because you wont be getting any now.". 

What the hero commission wanted to do with him was clear the moment they entered the cell through a hidden door. The first think Jun felt was a fist on his cheek. It left a huge cut behind from the ring whoever the hell hit him was wearing. 

"Fuck that felt good." Jun didn't recognize the voice, and the restraints and pain in his cheek stopped him from turning to the side to see the man's face. 

"You and your friends have caused too much pain." It was a woman this time, "You're gonna pay for that.". "Yeah, thanks for making our jobs harder." A third voice, not exactly male or female chimed in. 

Fuck there were 3 of them. Jun's heart thudded in his chest, echoing in his ears. Suddenly the restraints popped off his limbs and someone shoved him to the floor. Some grabbed his hands from behind and twisted them painfully. 

Cuffs were places on his wrists and suddenly his face smashed into the floor. The first few kicks were soft. More experimental than anything. Then Jun tried to get up and suddenly they were serious. 

They were wearing boots and they fucking hurt. Once, twice. They kicked him maybe six times each before they decided to change it up. 

"He's not even crying." The girl play whined. The other two laughed. "Then we'll make him." The man said, "I'll bet you like these, don't you?". He grabbed Jun's left horn in his palm while the third person shoved him to the floor. 

Jun struggled. He screamed, cursed, kicked and thrashed as much as he could. His head was hazy and his movements slow but god damn it he tried. Adrenaline burst through his veins like his lifedepended on it. Well, part of his body did. 

"Hold still." The woman said, kicking his jaw. She reached out to grab the same horn the man had and gave an experimental tug. "My quirk is sticky fingers, you see." She explained, "When I attach my fingers to something it doesn't come off. Not until I make it at least.". 

Her hand closed in a fist around Jun's horn. "I'll fucking kill you if you so much as try it." He said through gritted teeth. The woman just smiled and tugged at it painfully.  

It hurt. It hurt so much. They were part of his skull, of course it would hurt. Every one of Jun's nerve endings felt like they were on fire. He screamed. God he screamed. The wails echoed around the cell. Jun couldn't even focus on how he sounded. It was all too much. 

Then with one deafening crack and an animalistic screech from the boy on the ground, the woman cheered triumphantly.

 The group must have decided that was all they wanted because while Jun sobbed on the ground, bleeding out of too many places to count, they started walking out of the cell. 

The half of Jun's horn that had been broken dropped into a puddle of his own neon pink blood right as the door closed behind them. 


Oof this shit is getting heavy. 👀

Don't worry! The league is gonna swoop in and save their baby soon, just give them some time. Aizawa and Bakugou aren't going to stay idle either. 

Its been so long since I've written something this heavy that it was actually really hard. I don't like hurting my characters, especially Jun. He's already gone through so much that he deserves to just dismantle hero society and get it over with 😔

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