15: You're In Our World Now

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Someone followed Jun home. 

No, he wasn't being paranoid. It didn't just feel like someone was following him, they were. He could hear their footsteps, too nervous to turn around and confront them. 

It had been a week since the cultural festival. Jun had been added to one of 1-A's group chats and none of them suspected a single thing. He had asked Katsuki to keep an eye out for suspicion but he said everyone thought he was normal. 

So who was following him? Jun took a deep breath, calling his quirk to gather just under the sleeves of the leather jacket he was wearing. He readied himself for a fight. 

With one last self pep talk, Jun turned around, a toothy grin on his face. "The fuck do you want?" He asked, his tone obnoxious. The figure behind him stopped. It was a woman wearing a full length trench coat and a black face mask. Jun got a bad feeling looking at her. Like he was in some sort of danger. 

Something in his throat tingled and the villain decided taking chances would be his only option. He hurled the build up goop at the figure, aiming to restrain her arms and legs. It hit in less than a second and the goop threw her to the ground, her head hitting the concrete with a horrifying thud. 

"Sorry." Jun said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You picked the wrong target.". Maybe this would be his first kill. The woman sure had a lot of gall, stalking him all the way back to Mange's apartment. But he really couldn't just let her get away. Jun's wrist felt for the knife tucked into the inside of his jacket. 

'Yeah' Jun thought, taking a moment to observe his capture, 'I should probably kill her'. He let a little more of his quirk out, levitating it right to her neck. He made a squeezing motion with his hands, ready to watch her eyes roll back in their sockets. 

But when he squeezed something strange happened. Coloured gas seemed to leak out of the woman. Shit. She was a trap. Jun raised his shirt to cover his face but it was too late. 

Within two seconds he himself was on the ground, his quirk de-solidifying and turning to a puddle of pink. 

----------- -------- ------- --------- -------- --------- ---------- 

"Good morning, Mizuno Jun." A voice said. Jun's eyes shot open as he tried to stand up. He couldn't. He felt a tug on his wrists and ankles. 

Wiping his eyes clear on his shoulder he stared down at his current predicament. He was restrained to a chair by his wrists, ankles, knees and waist. Nothing was touching his head except the headboard of the chair, so he supposed he should be thankful. 

'Listen here you little shit' A voice, probably from a memory, shouted in Jun's head. 'If you get kidnapped make their job as hard as possible. Your goal is to survive long enough for us to bust you out, or ruin their shit before you die.'. Jun took a deep breath. He wished Shigaraki had given more solid a protocol or taught him how to work around restraints. 

"My name is Nezu. I'm the principal here at U.A." The voice introduced itself. Here at U.A? Was he in U.A right now? It didn't look like the hero school. He was in a grey room with no visible doors or windows. There was one panel of glass directly in front of his chair. Inside was a dog? Hamster? Tiny bear? Whatever it was it was the one talking. 

"You're probably wondering what you're doing here." The rat (maybe...actually rat fit pretty well) chuckled, "See, I've been wanting to run some tests on the League of Villains for a while now, but I could never get a hold of one of their members before now. They're clever, using a teenager like you. Too bad you're just that bit too dumb and got caught.". 

Jun gritted his teeth, ready to hurl insults. "Glare at me all you want." Nezu continued, "But you don't have much of a say in your situation.". 

"Let me fucking go or I'll kill everyone here." Jun said, keeping his voice even. His breathing was shallow. This wasn't good but he couldn't let the enemy know he was struggling. Nezu laughed. Shit. Where the hell was the speaker in this damn room? He could see the intercom the psycho was speaking into but there was nothing in the room Jun was held in to broadcast the sound. Maybe that meant one of the ceiling panels was false. 

"I don't think you can." Nezu said with another quick laugh. Jun glared at him and sent some of quirk flying at the glass panel. It quickly spread out, obscuring him from view completely. Quickly he slipped some goop into the restrains in the chair, hoping to find a lock he could pickpocket or something he could force open to get out. 

He wiggled his fingers around, manipulating his sweat to weave in and out, trying to find something to unlock himself with. No such luck. He couldn't break the restraints either, no matter how hard he tried. 

The next step was to break the chair, but Nezu's voice coming back over the intercom startled him before he could even begin. 

"You may want to recall your quirk back to your body." The principal said, mirth obvious in his voice. 

"Why's that?" Jun asked, not buying it for a second. "Why should I listen to anything you tell me? Actually, why do you even have me here? You should have turned me over to the police, why did you knock me out and kidnap me?". 

Nezu laughed. "Because I have ideas of my own beyond those of the police." He answered vaguely. "Now, you might seriously want to consider calling your quirk back to your body.". 

"Why the fuck should I rat man?" Jun asked, almost tied of this conversation. He heard Nezu huff playfully behind the microphone.

"Because test number one involves seeing if your quirk insulates you from being electrocuted.". 


I've always thought Nezu was one fucked up rat-creature and I finally have a chance to use that. 

I'm sorry if this chapter seems a bit abrupt or short but we've got a pov switch in the next one so I've got a lot of things to set up 😅

Stay Tuned!

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