Kyo - "new game!" Check it out when you get the chance

Akashi - alright we'll we are gonna unpack we'll call you back later

Kyo - alright see you later also there is some weed under the coffee table

Downy - ayo bet

Kyo then hung up the phone

Yuuma - master do you miss your friends

Kyo - yes, of course I do but I'm more concerned about something else

Yuuma - what is it

Kyo - where my mother is, the goddess giratina

Yuuma - wait master, if I'm not mistaken azazel-sama was studying giratina and her offspring maybe he would know

Kyo then headpats yuuma earning him a blush from the fallen angel

Kyo - thank you yuuma you have served your king well now go get some rest

Yuuma - *giggles* of course master, thank you

Yuuma then left to go relax while kyo went to sleep on the couch

< 8 day time skip >

Shitty fight scene ahead you've been warned

It was the last day of team gremory's training and kyo decided to test the group to see if they would stand a chance against riser at first he was disappointed because even through a series of endurance and strength training  Kiba was the first to fall after receiving a light ball to the face.

Kiba - damn it I thought I got stronger

Rias - Kiba...

Asia was the next to fall as he sent a barrage of weapons from the gates of babylon at the group as a feint to hit asia with a dagger to the shoulder removing her from the fight.

Issei - asia!!!

Asia - I'm fine issei I just need to sit out for a bit

Koneko was the first to land a few hits in but due to kyo's immortality he just healed and push through her combos to nail her with a kick to the temple leaving rias, akeno and issei.

Kyo - nice try koneko, come on at least try to give me a challenge you three

Rias and akeno were the next to attack with a combo attack of destruction and lightning, due to his quick thinking kyo pulled out what looked like a mirror from the gates that ended up absorbing the attack

Rias and akeno were the next to attack with a combo attack of destruction and lightning, due to his quick thinking kyo pulled out what looked like a mirror from the gates that ended up absorbing the attack

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(The mirror)

Rias - what happened you should be down and out after that

Issei - I think it was that mirror

Kyo - indeed mongrel, this is the mirror of amaterasu it is capable of absorbing any magic attack and...

The mirror began to shine a bright red as a beam shot out of it hitting akeno

Kyo - firing them back with double damage

Rias - akeno!!

In a rage issei charges at kyo unleashing a flurry of punches but kyo just dodges them effortlessly, after wearing him out kyo kicks isseis knee out and uses a punch to fake issei out only to kick him in the nuts

Issei - *high pitch* aghh right in my war wound

Kyo - hahahaha I forgot about that shit hahahaha

After laughing he turns to rias who dawned a horrified expression

Kyo - so do you give up red

Rias - y..yes just don't hurt them anymore

Kyo - very well

Kyo then summoned gates above all of the injured and a white milky liquid is poured from the gates


Kyo then smacks him upside the head

Kyo - no you bloody moron, I have a phenix tears in the gate

Issei - *surprised Pikachu face*

<smol timeskip>

Kyo had each of the devils lined up and was giving them an assessment of their improvement

Kyo - firstly, KIBA you lapdog motherfucker what happened were you slacking! if I catch you slacking I will personally neuter you do you understand

Kiba - *scared* yessir

Kyo - second, asia great job on improving with your wings you just need practical experience with them in battle

Asia - thank you senpai!

Kyo - third, koneko great job on your combos alot of power however a little slow work on that and your fine also try trashtalking in a fight in order t I throw off opponents

Koneko - hai sensei!

Kyo - fourth, rias and akeno great job 9n teamwork however try to incorporate pincer formations in order to ensure at least some damage besides that work on physical stamina

Rias - hai

Akeno - if its my stamina you want to test I'll let you

Kyo - hahaha tempting but no anyways ISSEI!

Issei - hai

Kyo - how the fuck did you not land a single hit 1. Don't aim for where they are aim for where they could dodge to after this first hit 2. Lean your back into the punch for more force and 3. Don't fucking shout when sneak attacking someone

Issei than looked down in disappointment because of the amount of things he got wrong

Kyo - lastly, remember even though your a pawn it doesn't mean your weak it means your flexible your peice can shift the tide of this fight so have faith in yourself

Yuuma - wow master that was kinda nice

Koneko - are you going soft on me sensei

Kyo - you wanna test how hard I am?

Koneko - *blushing* pervy sensei

Kyo - anyways go lick your wounds and go to sleep tomorrow's the big fight

The group then left two go bathe and go to sleep as kyo went and set up his station in the couches pullout bed along with yuuma

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