chapter 8

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It has been weeks since the events that took place in that church, during that time not much has changed for kyo and his little gang of otakus the only thing of notice was the fact that chemi has been leaving the house more frequently.
Raising suspicion in the club

We see kyo sitting in the living room watching "danganrompa" until akashi came into the room

Kyo - hey, akashi what's going on

Akashi - oh you know reading, sleeping, theorizing what about you?

Kyo - theorizing? About what?

Akashi - whether or not chemi has a boyfriend

Kyo - ah okay

Akashi - you interested?

Kyo - nah not really

Akashi - why not?

Kyo - oh you know I have this fascinating little thing called a "life" you should get one

Akashi - oh well excuse me for being concerned for my sister

Kyo - sssshhh, less talking more watching

Kyo proceeds to continue to watch his anime


Kyo is currently going to class to be greeted with Ms.Chisiki in the hallway with a giant stack of papers in her hands trying to get to her class before falling over

Kyo - *whistles* need some help with that Ms.C

Ms.C - no it's okay just get to class kyo

Kyo - and leave a damsel, no offense but that would just piss on my family's name

Ms.C - very well, take half the stack and I'll take

Kyo then proceeds to pickup his half of the stack and walk with Ms.Chisiki to her classroom

Ms.C - kyo, before you said if you didn't help it would be piss on your family's name what did you mean by that?

Kyo - ah that well you see before I became orphaned my family line were all highly respected from kings to high ranking military officials

Ms.C - I see you must be proud of where you come from

Kyo - indeed what about you

Ms.C - not really my family practically disowned me for becoming a teacher

Kyo - why's that

Ms.C - I'd rather not get into it

Kyo - well if it helps, I believe being a teacher is one the most inspiring type of people

Ms.C - your just saying that

Kyo - no I'm not, you guys have to deal with horrible students, disrespect, perversion, and a very low pay yet you guys keep going because you want what is best for the next generations, if that isn't inspiring I don't know what is.

Ms.C - thank you.... ah we're finally here

Kyo - it appears so where would you like me to lay these down at

Ms.C - over on my desk will be fine kyo

Kyo then places the papers on her desk and prepares to leave as Ms.Chisiki prepares to say her thanks

Ms.C - thank you kyo

Kyo - no problem, cya later

Kyo then proceeds to make his way to the orc because he had sensed an unfamiliar presence, finally arriving at the orc room he could hear some commotion with rias and a new voice that he hadn't heard yet

the new king (dxd) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now