Soo... I am alive?!

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In one moment I was laying in my bed asleep and in the next one I woke up completely sweaty and jumped off my bed which made me fall since the blanket was still around me and I somehow ended up tangled in it.

I still could feel the pain of hitting the pavement and the look on Bakugo's eyes when we fell down was amazing. It felt surreal and yet I knew I died. However my surrounding said otherwise.

I died!

I know I did!

I still feel the pain!

So someone please tell me why the heck I just jumped up and out of the bed on a freaking Saturday?!

But .... what happened?!

(A/N: Well you asked me for this... Though I messed up and send you back in time too... So I am sorry)

As I was laying there on the ground trying to regather my thoughts, the door to my room opened and my mother came in.


I blinked at her a couple of times since she never really cared for me. Usually she would just ignore me and leave me alone. Not to mention that she died a couple of years ago or more like 2 years ago. That was when my father came back and became my legal guardian. From then on life was literally hell for me.

Seeing the woman's face alive in front of me was something I didn't think would happen.

Me: Mom?!

I instantly began tearing up. It was ages that I have seen her face.

Inko: Did you had a bad dream honey?!


Mom never called me honey.

She always would call me her little fairy.


That's not my mom!

I know she died... I died...

Does that mean god listened to my prayer?!

That must be it!

This doesn't make any sense otherwise.

Me: I am okay.

I let the woman, that was my mom and kinda a stranger too, hugging me. The warmth I felt was something I was longing all these years that I was with my father. He only ignored me and let me suffer alone.

The instant I felt her hug, I also hugged her back and tried to be buried in the hug too.

Inko: It's okay, honey! It was just a dream.

That's definitely not a dream!

I know I died!

But does that mean Bakugo also died?

It would be bad if he doesn't remember his own words!

I want to make him eat them!

"Pray for a quirk!"

You know what?!

I prayed but not for a quirk!

And god did listen to me! What do you say now, you stupid Dandelion?!

What's more, I have my mom back!

She is as sweet as I remember her!

Even though this isn't the mom I knew....

It took us a while to let go of each other and it was only then that I started looking around my room. There were a lot of All Might figures and posters but what caught my eyes were not the hero stuff but the new notebook with the number 11 on it. Each year I would by new notebooks and that's something I was doing for the past 13 years ever since I was 3. I started drawing in my first one and just scribble some things in it but they quickly evolved into full analyzes books.



Does that mean, I also jumped back in time?!

What date is it?!

Me: ...


My head!

The moment I saw the notebook on the desk, I was greeted with a splitting headache and that was when I started to recall the past me's memories.


Now I remember!

Bakugo is as bad as in my past life!

I am still gonna make everyone hate him and pay him back!

Just wait and see!

Karma is on my side!

Inko: Honey, you look sick. How about you stay in bed and rest. I unfortunately need to go to work and can't call in sick today so if anything, happen just text me.

I let her put me back on my bed and as soon as I laid back again, I fell asleep. It looked like I was more exhausted thanks to everything in my mind then I thought.

Next time I woke up, I was completely alone.


Now let's see what I can remember from both life's so far.

In this life Bakugo is a bitch! No surprise here!

This makes Revenge all the sweeter!

Then my mom lives. She is sweet and loves me.

Oh how I missed her!

Thank god, I don't need to see my father ever again!

I can't let my plans for revenge bother her at all!

She is already doing soo much for me!

14 years of support...

Well she is against me being a hero but what to expect else if you are quirkless?!

... Still even if I am quirkless I am rather weak.... wait a moment.

I need to get stronger but how...

The hero killer Stain!

That's it!

His speed and agility are not part of his quirk!

I could try and gather some information's about his movements!

Then there is Eraserhead too!

He fights basically without his quirk after using it normally but he still uses normal fighting techniques that I can learn too!

As I was deep in thoughts the doorbell rang and I decided to get up from bed and put something more on me besides the pajama I was wearing in order to open and have a look who was on the door.

I had a bad feeling and I didn't like it.

Revenge... Sign me up!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें