Chapter Fifteen

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Eeli's POV

"Do you wike rides?" Rose askes me as we get to her room to change,

"mm.." I start thinking about last time, "my don't know... last time was really embarrassing..."

"what do you mean E? Did you get scared?"

 "No.. Well.. yea... I went on the Extreme swing thingy and I didn't know how upside down you go and my tummy dropped and my peed myself and I didn't have anything and the people I was wif didn't know I was  a little..." I blushed looking down, starting to think this wasn't such a good idea after all,  I wanna just cuddle on the  couch with dem and no scary rides....

" Oh no!!! I sorry dat happened to yous" She say soothingly but whiny as she hugged me " It's otay! We can go on dem together and I tell you exactly whats gonna happen! And.. We can boths wear ah pullup?" 

I giggle and hug her harder, "YAYYY thank yous Rosie, You the bestest!!!" She just blushes and sqeals with me. Then we continue getting dressed, 

"Did auntie get you that Stitch outfit?" She asked me as I try to button the pants,  "Mhmm"

"I has a matching dress, can I matches you today?" " you wanna match wif me?" I ask and get all blushy " I would wike dat.."

"Yayy, but can you help me zip the back? My arms are too short" she blushs, "Mhm! but I needs help wif my pants too" 

"we can help you with that," Momma says as she and axel walk into the room. Momma turns to Rose and zips up her dress and Axel went down on his knee to button my pants. My face is now a tomato and Axel just chuckles and pats my head.

"You two look so adorable today, all matching" Axel says and touches both of our cheeks, "we will have to get you guys some more for when we hangout, too cute."

" You know we still have about an hour before the time we planned to be there by, maybe we could go pick out a couple of outfits now?" Momma asked, she looked a little flushed so I went over to her and put my hand on her forehead, a little worried and asked, "momma? are you otay? you look really hot?" She smiled gently at me and grabbed my hand to put over her heart "Don't worry, Momma's just a little over excited baby, you two look very adorable and I just wanna eat you both up, It's hard to contain myself"  The comment made me blush and lock eyes with Rose who was giggling, Then I looked over to axel who seemed to be in the same state as momma which made me blush more and feel allot of heat in my tummy.  


After me and Rose picked out a couple of outfits  and Momma and Axel picked some stuffs for us we headed to the amusement park, all went pretty well. Rose and momma went on the scary rides I didn't wanna go on an axel stayed out with me. we had eaten Corndogs and mini donates a little while after wee get there, and we had allot of lemonade cuz it was free refills. I ignored the fact I had to pee, not wanting anyone to have to walk all the way back with me to the front, I figured I could hold it, but after the 3rd lemonade I felt like a balloon that was about to explode. 

"Eeli?" Axel says while lifting his hand to my chin to make me focus on his face, "Mhm?" "do you need to go potty?" I just blush and nod furiously, "are you gonna make it all the way to the bathroom?" "Mhm I think so" I say and go to walk, making it very hard to hold in my pee, God this is embarrassing...Don't cry..

He must have noticed I was pretty close to breaking down cuz he swooped me up and push my face into his neck, "shh Its okay buddy, you just focus on holding it and I will get you there as fast as possible" Which would have been very helpful, If the lines to all the bathrooms hadn't been soooo long, there was at least 10 people ahead  of us when I peeked up over his shoulder.

"Daddy, my cant hold it anymore," I start to tear up as I whispered this in his ear, way overly stimulated and embarrassed to even realize what I have called him. He tenses for a moment then softly rubs his hand over my back and hips while walking away from the crowded bathroom and to the parking lot, towards his car.

 But as soon as we are out of view and hearing range of everyone he stops, I'm shaking so hard trying to hold it. "you're safe baby, no one can hear or see you, just let it go and we will go change you right away alright? You're ok, Just relax and let it go." I sob softly into his neck and let go, Immediately feeling relief as my bladder empties. " good boy.." he coos and starts walking again towards his car, " lets go get you all clean" 

He lays me down across his back seat and pushes his cheek against my forehead soothingly, before leaning back and pulling my pants down to change me. My breathing is a little worked up still but I'm calming down, The new dry diaper feels comfy. After he redressed me, I crawled over to him and hugged him at the waist, " I sorry my couldn't make it da- Axel" I say, embarrassed. "Don't worry baby boy, it was no problem at all. I'm happy I could comfort you," He starts, " besides who could be mad after you called me daddy so fucking adorably." he smirks and chuckles while picking my up and hugging me. My face goes a million shades of red and I hide in his neck again, we just stand there with him holding me for a minuet before I yawn,

" can I message your mommy to just meet us out her after a couple more rides? You seem sleepy, we can snuggle until they are done if you would like?" I just hug him harder and nod. He sits in the front passenger seat and lays it back so I'm laying on his front the same way he was holding me a moment ago.

Mommy's Baby Boy And their Adventures With Axel And RosieWhere stories live. Discover now