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cw// bodyshaming

"The rope?" Jisung's eyes scanned the boat, looking for anything that resembled a rope. Sure enough, under one of the seats was a small rope.

"Hurry!" He shouted at Jisung, who was sitting in the boat like a deer in headlights. He quickly snapped out of it, tossing the blonde one end of the rope while clutching the other end tightly.

The man caught the rope with ease, tugging on it roughly with his veiny hands. Jisung's eyes almost bulged out of his sockets when he noticed that.

He's so hot, oh my god.

Blondie didn't think twice before stepping into the water, getting his pajamas soaking wet. Despite how frigid the water was, not to mention how deep it was, he got in there to rescue Jisung. It made his heart flutter.

He was a stranger to this man, yet he was sticking his neck out for him. Handsome and brave—what else could he add to the list?

The man kept tugging on the rope until Jisung was close enough to touch the platforms, which he immediately clung onto for dear life. Blondie began to tie the rope to one of the pillars, making sure that the boat wouldn't be able to drift off with Jisung still inside.

He knew the saying that curiosity killed the cat, but right now, he was being saved. So maybe curiosity only killed certain cats.

The boat wasn't damaged, thankfully; otherwise, Changbin would have his head. Jisung couldn't say the same for himself, though. With the boat rocking back and forth nonstop, his bruises from a couple days ago were being grazed, and he'd never felt worse.

Somehow he was able to maneuver the boat in a way where he could safely climb out, missing the water by a narrow few inches. Finally, he was on land. Jisung lay on the platform, flat on his stomach, his breathing labored.

Once Blondie had successfully done whatever he was doing, he stepped out of the water and walked back up the platforms until he was standing in front of Jisung's panting body in dripping wet clothes.

Don't look.

Do not look Sasaki Jisung.

He looked up and almost immediately looked right back down. He could not handle being in the vicinity of a man whose white shirt clung to his wet body, exposing everything underneath. The man squatted down in front of Jisung, who felt like his head was about to explode.

Jisung wouldn't consider himself a pervert; he just admired what was shown to him, and right now, he couldn't help ogling the man's thighs. He felt something stir in his stomach, and that's when he knew he had to do something. He could not be feeling what he felt, at least not in front of him.

He scrambled up onto his knees, which now he deeply regretted, because he met the eyes of the man, and their faces were a lot closer than he'd expected.

Wow, he was even more dreamy up close. Jisung wanted to rip those wet clothes off him. No, maybe that was a bit too vulgar for their first-time meeting.

The blonde cocked his head to the side, eyeing Jisung up and down. Right, he'd forgotten all about the yukata, which was even more ruined than before. Jisung felt anxious under the man's gaze; his fingers sat shakily in his lap as he picked at his nail polish.

"Are you okay?"

Oh my god, his voice. Jisung felt a tingly sensation all throughout his body; he swore he almost creamed his pants.

Jisung wasn't sure if it was even possible to be physically attracted to someone's voice, but then again, what about this man didn't scream attractive?


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