Mega Grip Cyclopes

Start from the beginning


             "Little help here"  Zoe gasped as the cyclops squeezed her in his hand.  Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she felt a rib on her right snap.  She couldn't electrocute the cyclopes hand, it would travel to Issac.  She glanced at Andy who looked more lost than ever standing next to Nathan and Paris who were both passed out.  Finally he made a decision and shot the cyclops hand that held Issac, it dropped him and squeezed her tighter.  Her eyes stung and her whole torso was on fire with pain but she had the freedom to electrocute the monster finally.

             Moderation, she told herself as she let lose the lighting that flew through her naturally the cyclops screamed and shook.  She added more electricity, she felt the tug in her gut pull harder, the electricity flowing from her skin was practically red.  The monster screamed as Issac cut on of it's ankles and it dropped her.  She landed on her side ungracefully and winced, the ground she lay on seemed to waver as black threatened her eyesight, closing in on edges of her vision.

          "Zoe!" Andy placed a hand lightly on her shoulder, her cheeks felt wet with her own tears, ew, she hated crying.  She didn't have the strength to say 'behind you' before her vision went black and all she knew was pain.


       One two three just like we practiced, Issac told himself except for this time he was fighting a twenty foot tall cyclopes that he had just watch make Zoe cry.  He was pretty sure this was the first time he had seen her cry from pain and he didn't want to admit it but he had her to thank for the way this fight was going.  Andy had run to make sure she wasn't bleeding but now he was engaged in a fight with the shorter of the cyclopes.  He hoped Andy could fend for himself and swung his sword hard.

        The thing about sword fighting was it was like dancing.  You had to match your partners every move, it was a fight to see who would be the lead with every swing, dodge, or step.  So with that in mind he watched his opponent intently, waiting for a slip up.  He saw bone and kicked it towards the cyclops or rotten squash as Zoe had called it, he tripped and Issac slit his throat as he fell.  He disintegrated before his body hit the floor, Issac was starting to understand what Zoe had said about them being good.


       Andy was panicking once again, "Listen" he said to the cyclops that had captured him originally, now it was covered in burns from the boiling water Paris had enclosed it with.  "I'm lacking enough meat to even eat right now" the cyclops watched him talk, listing.

      "I'm still gonna kill you" he reached out for Andy but he backed up.  Zoe was laying unconscious right behind him, he had to protect her from this thing but he really wished she'd wake up and help him.  He glanced back at her, her cheeks were shiny and her jaw was clenched, he had to stall more she was completely vulnerable without him standing there.

        "Stop!" the monster stopped, "Wait" he commanded praying that it worked as he turned aiming his bow at the cage that held the children of Hecate.  He thought of Apollo and Artemis the twin gods of archery, help me please.  He shot the lock and the door busted open, it was a far jump from the cage to the ground but he hoped they could make it.  Calvin put his hands out and a set of stairs appeared from where their prison was suspended and the siblings took the stairs two at a time.  

        "That's not nice!" the monster complained, Andy shrugged in response unsure of what to do next.  Issac ran over to Paris and Nathan quickly cheeking both of their pulses and before he could run back to help them Cassidy snapped her fingers.  There seemed to be a pink aura swirl around them as the cyclops turned into a black kitten.  She picked it up and set it onto the stairs which it disappeared into before they shimmered and disappeared as well.  Maybe Andy was going to be the next one to pass out.

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