The More The Merrier/Homer's Second Chance/2-20 Years Later

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Bart: Homer...

Homer "Starting to Boil": ...YYYYYOOOUUUUU....

Bart: let's get out of here clearly this homeowner does not want to be released from the cell.

Homer: WHY YOU LITTLE- *before homework attacked Nikki and Gina pull Bart back before his neck could be in Homer's grasp*

Moe: That is not a way to treat your boy, strangling him, 24/7 no wonder you got in here.

Marge: Homer, I can feed you all the food you want for a week, as long as you promise to no longer strangle Bart, I mean look at him he's a father to a Baby Boy, she even has like five or six more girlfriends besides the baby's mother... it's best if you don't ask how that was possible.

Homer: so wait I'm a grandpa now??

Bart: not if you're still in that cell wanting to strangle me again and again...

Homer: D'Oh...

Bart: I guess in other cases I have changed, from being a heartbroken mistaken boy, to a young father and boyfriend who's trying his best every single day.

Homer: How are you going to be pay for everything bottles, diapers, baby food, Furniture.

Me: He can thank me for that, he's the chief of the Warvengers division here in Springfield, and has been Rich recently.

Homer: D'oh!

Bart: look dad, if I release you out of that cell, you better promise me, a few things.

Homer: Okay, boy I know where this is going what are the few things you want me to do.

Bart: Well, first of all, Treat me equally as well as you treat, Lisa, Because recently you have been treating us unfairly. Secondly, now that I have a baby boy, I don't want you treating him bad, Becuase of me; And finally, The Strangling Ends, Period, and please don't stop being the dad I really love.

Homer: *sigh* I could tell they really hurt you to Put me away in jail.

Bart: Ya Think??

Wiggum: Alright, here's the form for the release.

Bart: all right when I sign this, you have to promise not to break any of my rules, or I will put you back into this devastating place, Deal?

Homer: your negotiation terms gets me everytime, but no one's better than you Boy, Deal.

*He Signs the Form and Homer is now released from his Cell*

*The Way Home Was Silent, except for Homer's tummy rumbling, They opened the door and came home.*

Bart: I'll put the baby to bed.

Darcy: Alright. *Kisses both of the boy's forehead, The husband and the Baby, Bart went Upstairs, Lisa Heard the Door open, Saw Her Dad and Clinged to him, Maggie then saw the Baby Boy in Bart's Arms, Was a little Jealous*

Bart: Maggie, Meet Jonah... My Son, Your New Nephew, now I expect you to treat him nice, okay? *Maggie Nods, as Bartlett Jonah down in the crib next to Maggie, they were as comfortable as two peas in a pod, Darcy came up to check and see if Bart laid him down okay, and was also adored by the two babies napping together*

Darcy: Should we tell her?

Bart: I already Did, remind me again why change for the better good and became the father and Harem Boyfriend, I am today??

Darcy: It's Because We Love you. *Slow Motion going in for a Kiss, Camera Shutters*


*The Kiss Makes Full Contact to, Darcy with her hair longer but not just hers, and Bart At the Same Height as Her wearing A Tuxedo, All Girls in the Harem in Wedding Dresses, Homer and Marge Beside their Grandson, A Wedding In a Forest in the Springtime where the Blossoms start to Bloom on the Trees, Bart Kissing The Other Girls in the Harem Everybody was Proud of this Man, For Changing for the greater good, Being a Father, Even His Mom was  Crying tears of joy*

*2 Years Later*

*Bart walking along the Beach with 3 Of his Wives about to Have Children, Darcy giving Jonah a Piggyback Ride, Nikki Carrying Two Twin Baby Girls, Jenny Carrying A Baby Boy, and Gina Carrying Another Baby Boy*

Homer: My boy has truly done it.

Ned: and by it you mean Marry seven girls, had to legalize harem, and now the Simpson family tree continues to grow but faster at this generation.

Me: well at least he's reading the Bible every day to help him with this, I think it might have been rough seen Grandpa Simpson passed away...

Homer: Well, other than that my boy, has really improved, I mean look at him, he's got kids, he's got wives, A Luxurious Home, he's even getting along with my daughters, Lisa being a President, Maggie starting her own band.

Me: Yes, everything is going great. Homer thank you for keeping Bart's promise alive.

Homer: Well, seeing how maturely Bart has grown, what can I say. I'm proud of this kid.

Me: yeah, I think we should also thank Dr. Bufixila, because this therapist that part went to she really helped him.

Homer: Indeed.

Ned: hello aren't you going to thank me for... I don't know being there for Bart when Homer never could?

Homer "nervously": D'oh...

Me: well on one hand, yes, but on the other hand since you're not really Bart's true father although he wishes you were, it's kind of tough.

Ned: okay I see where that's going, no problem.

Me: thank God for helping bart through this life.

Ned: and believe you me I'm glad mr. Burns is gone.

Homer: Ugh, tell me about it, Memphis was not stop sobbing about his death.

Me: Yep, thank God.

*Bart Sleeping Nicely Underneath a Giant Umbrella, with his Wives, Kids, and Etc, The Camera Pans Up to Heaven Where we See Grampa Simpson Shedding tears while smiling*

Abe: You really made me proud, boy.

____________THE END____________

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