Making Amends With Mom

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Bart: I still have this driver's license from months ago...

Lisa: Are you sure you are able to drive?

Bart: Believe it or not, I have practiced ever since Darcy Left me..

Lisa: So Quite A While.

Bart: Yep!

*It was good that Bart knew how to drive, They got mom an assorted bouquet of flowers and they drove over to the hospital*

Bart: Marjorie Simpson?

Woman: Room 4, On the Third Floor, on the Left.

*They made it to her room, but was shocked seeing her in such a condition, The bite mark was gone, but appeared to have a lot Bruises, But only a Cast around her right arm, And there they saw Dr. Hibbert*

Dr. Hibbert: Now she is alright, Kids... Wait, Weren't you the one that kicked her down the stairs?

Bart: Yes Sir, And if you were a child once and had to keep an eye on your siblings and the house won't fall apart, Once you change your personality for the better, You'd know what I'm going through too.

Dr. Hibbert: Oh Ho, Someone's been taking after his mom, Hee hee hee hee, I can respect that. I'll give you guys some alone time.

*With that, Dr. Hibbert Leaves the Room, And Lisa placed Flowers Right next to her*

Bart: Hey Mom, I have something to tell you... *Places a Hand On Hers, Begins to Cry* I need to come clean, I am Sorry for Kicking you down the stairs, If you could've asked, I would've told you what was going on... But i guess I should Accept my painful Fate that i truly am a Loser... But today i experienced Single parenting, I now know how hard your job is. Most Of All, I Am Terribly Sorry for being the Monkey in the middle of your past life, I never should've been born, Just Wake Up... Wake Up, Mom!! *Cries on the Bed, Suddenly Arms Wrapped around him, Mom was awake*

Marge: Oh Bart, Don't be so hard on yourself, If you weren't born then you wouldn't bave known about my experience everyday... So In A Way, I Am Glad you were born. Now, Do you wanna tell me about what has been going on?

Bart: So I Met this Therapist, I figured i needed to Straighten my life when I Met her, So I Described everything about myself, And My next session is tomorrow...

Marge: She Really Helped you...

Bart: How did you know it was a she?

Marge: I was born with Only sisters as siblings... Y'know i can sense it with my genital senses.

Bart: That actually Explains alot, *Cries more*

Marge: What is it now?

Bart: I May have thrown Dad in Jail for all he has done to me that is wrong, Also for Drunk Driving...

Marge: Part of me wants to hurt your for that... But Most of me thinks it is for the best. So I am actually shocked and proud of you.

Bart: I couldn't agree more, Maybe part of why i did that was vengeance for Maude Flanders...

Marge: That maybe true since he dodged the shirts when he bent to pick up a bobby pin.

Bart: Yeah, But whatever you do, Do Not Marry Artie Ziff, Because of his incident that one time.

Marge: I won't, Also, I should be out of the Hospital Later today, So I can meet your therapist.

Bart: Yes Ma'am. Feels good to make peace.

*Marge hugs her children*

Marge: It sure does.


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