We talked for almost half an hour before deciding to eat our lunch together in the garden. It was hard to convince her to finally leave her room.

I even had to use my eldest and only daughter's card on her!

I asked Mama if she wanted to attend the funeral with me but she refused. She does not want to cause any more harm to the Lims. After eating our lunch, I accompanied her while she was watering her plants. Papa is probably on his way home already with Drake who will be the one to pick me up.

"Tammy," my father whispered through my mother's ears as his arms slowly wrapped around the latter's waist from the back.

Mama giggled. "Jake!" She happily said papa's name but the smile on her face disappeared after a few seconds. As if she remembered something more important than her happiness. "Ang aga pa, ah? Kailangan ka ni Kath doon," she added.

"My wife needs me more," Papa replied. "You and the kids are my top priority."

Mama gave him a small smile before nodding her head. Papa gestured for her to enter the house when Drake horned twice — still impatient as he was before. I gave my mother a soft kiss on her cheek and said, "I'll attend the funeral with Kuya but Papa will stay here with you, okay? Make sure to rest."

I wanted to hug them both but I felt like I placed Papa in a difficult and awkward spot when I hugged him earlier so I had to stop myself from doing it again. Instead, I gave him a nod before walking towards Drake's car which was parked outside our house.

We arrived at the funeral venue after fifteen minutes. My eyes immediately looked for Celestine. I saw her sitting on the couch near her father's coffin. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen from the hours of crying according to my brother who refused to leave her side ever since Tito Elli was confined in our hospital. I approached her quietly without even acknowledging the presence of her family relatives that were eyeing me like a hawk.

All that I could think of was her — Celestine.

"Hey," I uttered unsurely.

Celestine raised her head a bit. "Addie..." Her voice broke which made my heart crash into pieces. "I'm glad you came," she added.

"My best friend and sister from another mother needs me." I smiled weakly. "What made you think I won't come?"

"Tita Tammy's probably affected, too," she responded. "I know you love and value her more than anything. She needs you right now.

"Gosh!" I rolled my eyes. "What's wrong with the women around me, huh? They are all so selfless!" I hissed which made Celestine chuckle a bit.

"Sounds like you," she said before pulling me for another hug.

My brother and I got so busy entertaining the Lim's relatives and friends since Celestine and Tita Katherine was still in shock of what happened. They can't even eat which is why I kind of forced Celestine to eat at least three spoons of mashed potatoes I bought from a near fast-food chain.

"Anak," Tita Katherine sweetly whispered when I handed her the sandwich I bought along with the mashed potatoes. "Salamat..."

She hasn't had a proper meal ever since her husband died and that was according to my father who was with her. Papa needed to help her arrange the funeral for Tito Elli. Mama was okay with it — in fact, she was the one who asked Papa to help Tita Katherine.

"Mahihirapan si Celest asikasuhin iyon ng mag-isa. Kailangan nila ng tulong natin," Mama said with a hint of hope in her eyes that Papa would agree to what she wants.

Papa sighed. "Is that what you really want, Tamara?" He asked.

Mama nodded without any hesitation.

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