Chapter 6 (unedited)

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"Nope not doing it" i say with irritation as i get minjun out the car and into the shopping cart. "Well you actually cant so no" he says with a smug look like he made a huge point. "I know that but just why. We came here for you to shop not me"

"Do you know the difference between my kitchen and your kitchen" changmin says as he starts pushing the shopping cart towards the store entrance. "Mines is more organized"
"And i have most of the food you like"
"Exactly. So if you do the shopping for my house it would be just like shopping for yours and while you do that you dont have to push the shopping cart because i will"
"Fine I'll do it"
"You were gonna have to do it either way" he says and i roll my eyes and we start shopping around the store.

For the past week, almost two, me and changmin have been taking turns taking care of the baby at each others house. And once we finish work we go to whoever has minjun's house and help that person for a few hours. Changmin has mostly came to mine because i have the baby more than he does because he works more.

And we've learned that most of the things i have are the food he likes so usually i cook dinner for both of us when hes there.

"I think we almost got everything" i say to myself with a sigh of relief. We've been in this store for quite a while and now im Wondering how empty his kitchen is to be needing all of this stuff. And finding the correct baby stuff is complicated and takes a while. We're currently in the ramen section and i see my favorite ramen which is also his favorite.

Unfortunately the ramen is really high up on the shelf and im not that tall. Whats up with stores having things so high up on shelves? They need stepping stools for short people like me. Unfortunately changmin is in another isle so i cant ask him for help and he left me with the shopping cart and i cant let minjun out of my sight.

I look inside minjuns car seat and his still sleeping so it gives me the chance to grab the ramen. I couldn't reach it at first and i was about to grab it again till i heard a familiar voice say "Do you need help?" I turn to see who said that but to spot no other than my cousin. Oh no. This is my aunt Mimi's daughter  and shes the mosy anoyying one out of the twins. I know shes younger than me by 9 years but shes still anoyying. But shes 19 so what can I expect.

"Omg kyunsoon is that you?"
"The one and only" i say with a fake smile. "I haven't seen you in forever" she says and then comes and hugs me. And to remind you i am NOT a hugger. "Hi mei, how have you been"
"Ive been great. But what about you? Ive heard you have a new boyfriend. I hope hes not like the other one" i cringe thinking about my ex.

He was the absolute wrost. He was very clingy and obsessive and protecting we didn't get along much either so the relationship only lasted a month and 2 weeks and unfortunately my family aka my aunt, uncle and cousins who are now like my parents and siblings since my parents are gone.

My parents died when i was 16 and my aunt and uncle basically adopted me for the two yesrs untill i was 18. They've met choonhee since she was my best friend but they never met changmin since he was in college by the time i was 16. I only lived with them for a few years but it was quite crazy. Me plus 5 kids was a lot to handle.

I went from an only child to having 5 siblings and it took me a long time to adjust and i still find them anoyying.

"Yeah hes uh definitely better than my ex"  i say with an akward laugh. "Speaking of is your boyfriend is he here with you" mei asks and looks over the the shopping cart im standing in front of. She makes a dramatic gasp and i was about to question why she was gasping but then she started speaking.

"Is that a baby? Omg is it yours? Dont tell me its yours and you didn't even tell me you had a baby. When did tou get pregnant?" Mei says loudly and fast. "Woah mei calm down. Its not my child that i birthed" i say in a low tone hopefully she will take the signal to be more quiet. "Wait. Is it your boyfriends baby? Are you taking care of another mans baby?"

"No its not his baby. Do you remember my friend choonhee?"
"Its her baby but shes um... passed away and my boyfriend which is her brother whos the babys uncle is now taling care of the baby and im helping him out"
"Oh... sorry for your loss but thats nice of you to help him. Your such a good person kyungsoon" she says with a sincere smile.

I then see changmin enter the isle behind mei holding a bag of my favorite chocolates. I smile seeing him holding them because he said he was gonna go grab something and when i asked him what it was he said it was a surprise. "There goes my wonderful boyfriend" i say as he walks up to put the things in the cart. Hopefully he knows to start playing the boyfriend roll. "so this is your boyfriend?"

"Yep, let me introduce you too. Mei this changmin and changmin this my cousin Mei. Shes my aunt Mimi's daughter who were gonna see this weekend" i say then they say their "nice to met you."

"Hi ive been excited to meet you. Im sure she's probably told you about me since im technically one of her siblings. And shes probably mentioned that all 5 of us are anoyying" mei says and changmin just laughs along with her. "Shes told me all about you all. Are you one the triplets or twins?"
"I find it cool how your mom has triplets and twins thats very fascinating"

I find it surprising changmin is managing to keep the conversation between them going. He's definitely going to be the perfect fake boyfriend. However their conversation was cut short because all of a sudden minjun started crying. And it wasnt no basic cry it was loud. This is one of my worst nightmares coming to life.

"I'll grab him" changmin says and going to go calm down minjun. "Well looks like you need to take care of a baby i should get going now. Do you mind if i tell my mom the baby situation beforehand because you know how my mom would act"
"Yes please tell her and everyone else so we dont get tons of questions at once" she responds with a hum and we say our goodbyes.

"Ive noticed you got favorite chocolates" i say to changmin with a smile. "Really these are your favorite chocolates? I got them for myself" he says in a playful tone. "Oh stop it" i say then pinching him. "Ow, your shuch an abusive girlfriend" he says then continues pushing the cart.

I roll my eyes in response. "You deserved it"
"I will give you the candy"
"I knew you woul-..."
"But what"
"Only if you make it the rest of the day only saying yes to me"
"So is it like an award?"
"More like a thanks but you can consider it an award"
"Well i will successfully comeplete your 'challenge' for my thank you award" i say smiling and we've made it to the checkout line.

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