Chapter 5 (unedited)

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"how" he says then returns to watching t.v. "Please changmin this is the only favor i will ask you" he shakes his head no in response. I then go into minjuns room to get his pacifier and then i start to smirk. Theres only three ways to get a man to do what you want. Blackmail, food... and pleasure.

Having nothing to blackmail him with so theres either food or pleasure so the first option is food and i dont think pleasure would be a good idea since we're not a couple. I rock the baby a bit and sing a little song to him and he goes back to sleep so i put him in his crib. I leave the room then stand right infront of changmin who is laying on the couch. "Well since you wont agree to being my fake boyfriend i guess you have no reason to be here. I guess i will have to eat your favorite ramen all by myself" i say the last sentence with an sad tone.

I see him gasp and i think my plan is workring until he says "i guess your right" he then proceeded to stand up. "I guess I should head out then" he then heads towards the door and then i sit there gasping like a fool. I guess i have to do a little flirting i say in my head. Changmin is about to reach for the door but i was quick to stop him by standing in front of it.

I had to think of something that seemed flirtatious so I started wrapping my hair around my finger. I bet i look stupid right now but im desperate. "What are you doing?" He says furrowing his brows. "What are you talking about" i say giving him an 'innocent' look. "I know your trying to flirt and its not working"  i then groan in Annoyance.

"Come on changmin can you PLEASE just do me this one favor. I know it's lying but i just need to lie just this once. You know I bearly even lie. PLEASE." "Fine ill do it" he finally says and i was about to say yay until he says "only if i get something in return" he says and i sigh. "What is it" "i need you to do anything i say all day tomorrow"

"Really? Thats all?" I say furrowing my brows. "Mhm" he responds. "Fine i guess i will." "Anyways i should head out i have to work a few hours of overtime tomorrow. See you tomorrow mini me" he then gives me a smile showing his dimple. I smile in return returned and we bid our goodbyes.

So far i have had an tiring morning. I woke up at 7am to minjun crying and he took forever to put back to sleep. And once i placed him in his crib it was 8am and i went back to sleep and 20 minutes later he wakes me up again so I decided to move his crib into my room and he finally sleeps peacefully until 10am.

Thats when i decided i might as well stay up and start my day. I played with minjun for a bit and fed him and gave him a bath. By the end of that i was soaked in water so i had to change. I decided that I should take minjun on a walk so i wore a casual blue dress and I decided to wear my hair down for the day.

I took minjun for a walk and once i got home it was 2:30 so I thought I could finally relax for a bit until i got a call from changmin. "Oh great what do you want" i say after i answer the call.

"I call you and you start of with what do you want and not even a hello? How rude" i can just have a feeling he's rolling his eyes right now.

"Well you just called me at the wrong time can you just call me later? Im hanging up now by-..."

"wait you cant just leave the call. Have you forgotten what you promised me?"

"And what was that promise?"

"Doing anything i say for 24 hours" i then gasp apparently loud enough for changmin to hear.

"Dont tell me you forgot" i hear the sarcastic disappointment in his voice.

"Yes i did. What do you need me to do then"

"Well since i agreed to be your boyfriend we might as well start acting like a couple so lets go on a fake date as fake boyfriend and girlfriend"

"What about minjun?"

"Obviously we bring him with us. Also i need to do some grocery shopping and your gonna come with me"

"Why do i have to come with you? Cant you do that by yourself " i say complaining.

"Well first of all you have to because i said so and secondly im outside your house right now"

"Ugh why did i agree to this" i say with a sigh

"I'll be waiting" he says then ends the call.

Once i finally finished getting minjun ready in his cute outfit I checked my makeup and then headed out. "Took you long enough" changmin says as i started to put minjun in his carseat. "Well maybe if you didn't call at a random time and gave me a heads up i could have been ready"

"But if i gave you the heads up you still wouldn't be ready" he says as i get into the passenger seat. "Your just naturally slow" he adds and i slap his arm. "Shut the hell up" i say and minjun laughs. He always seems to laugh when i curse which makes me realize i need to watch what im saying around him. "If he starts cursing by the time he can talk im blaming you" changmin says with a chuckle as he started driving.

"Shut up" i say rolling my eyes. I then turn around to check on minjun and he's smiling and playing with his feet. He doesn't notice me so i hurry and get my phone out to take a picture. He looks so adorable and precious. After i take the picture minjun glances up at me and smiles with showing his tiny teeth and his dimple. i started smiling.

"He looks so much like her" i say and i glance at changmin to see he has a slight smile. "I just realized he has a dimple just like you." "Remember when you used to always call me check hole boy when we were younger because you didn't know what a dimple was" he says and my fave turns red in embarrassment of my past actions.

"Yes i remember and its embarrassing to think about now. Im surprised you never told me not to call you that" "i liked the name back then. I thought it was cooler than dimple. But thinking about it make me laugh. Like seriously out of all the things you could have came up with it was cheek whole" he then starts laughing and it shows his dimple.

"Your cheek hole is showing" i say joking around and it causes both of us to laugh with minjuns little laughs in the background. After laughing I turned on my phone and decided I needed a new wallpaper so I changed it to the picture of minjun. "This will definitely be there for a while" i say inside my head with a smile.

Unexpected lover *ji changmin*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ