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"YOU'RE NOT JANICE" Nell sighed as she sank into the chair in her therapist's office

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"YOU'RE NOT JANICE" Nell sighed as she sank into the chair in her therapist's office. Well, when she says therapist this bald man clearly wasn't Janice. Not that she liked Janice all too much. She was a bitch.

"Excellent observation." The man in front of her smiled. "I'm Kester. Unfortunately Janice had to leave us, so I'll be her replacement. Nell, right?"

"Right." She nodded.

One thing Nell didn't want anyone knowing. Nell had to have therapy, and had ever since she was admitted to the ward nine months ago. Not even Finn. Especially not Finn. No one liked broken girls.

"So, tell me. What've you been up to this week."

"Not much." She shrugged. "Met a new friend. Hung out with old friends. Same old, same old."

Another thing. She hated therapy. Fucking hated it. She knew how she felt. She didn't need some shrink to tell her.

"That's it? Did you have fun?"


"So you met a friend. Met with old friends. And you suppose you had fun. Anything else?"

"Not really."

"Okay then. Tell me how your feeling, right now." He clapped his hands together. "But be honest."

Rolling her eyes, she frowned. "I'm alright."

"I'll tell you how I'm feeling then, should I?"

"If you want."

"Two weeks ago my wife kicked me out. I've been stopping at my brother's couch ever since. I wake up this morning, there's no milk. I bought that fucking milk and he used it to drown his sugar puffs in. So with no cup of coffee I come into work , I get shat on by a pigeon and my first new patient and she's about as open as a nun's foo." He's almost yelling at this point, but Nell couldn't stop the smile that spread over her cheeks. Maybe he was good. Maybe he was okay. Better than Janice, that's for sure. "So," His voice returned to the pleasant one he had first used. "How do you feel."

"You're funny." She laughed, tucking her legs underneath her to get more comfortable. She considered him for a moment, her lips rolling together. He watched her with a small smile. "My friends having a party tonight. A pool party."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"I feel...  I feel fucking terrified. I feel like I'd rather let the ground swallow me whole than for them to see my legs."

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