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"OI! SHIT FACE. I'VE MADE TEA!" Groaning at the sound of her brothers voice, Nell pushed the book from her hands, discarding it on the bed.

"If it's fucking stew, I'll kill you G." She shouted down, pulling her hoodie over her shoulders as she blindly moved from her room. She liked her room. It was very her. There were the posters that littered her walls, and the books that stacked on the floor. She had pictures of her friends - of Chloe and Izzy, and Archi and Chop. And Finn. That she liked to keep beside her bedside table.

She thinks if her room wasn't here - there wouldn't be much to tie her to this little town. Not anymore.

"I'd like to see you try!"

"Hiya, dickhead." She cheesed up at her brother as she entered the kitchen, realising he'd made carbonara. Her favourite. "Thank you, kind sir." She smiled as he handed her a plate, wandering into the living room like they always did. Flicking the telly on she settled into the couch, twirling the pasta around her fork.

"You going pub tonight?" Gene took a seat in the armchair next to her, instantly shovelling the food into his mouth.

"Yeah, think so." She nodded.

"I saw Jamie talking to you last night, what was he saying?" Gene asked. Rolling her eyes, Nell sighed.

"We was just catching up." She shrugged. Jamie was Gene's friend. Well friend was tenuous. They knew each other. Gene fucking hated his guts really, and why wouldn't he when he tried to hit on his little sister every chance he got.

"He's a fucking dick."

"Yeah, I know." Nell grinned, taking a bite of her pasta.

"Who was that new girl you were with n'all?"

"Chlo's friend. She's called Rae - she's pretty cool actually, funny." She smiled. "Finn's being a bit of a dick to her."

"Oh, yeah?" Gene raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I don't get it though. Like he's nice to me, why not her?" And Gene almost ripped his sisters hair out. He swore to god she was the most oblivious human being ever.

"Oh before you forget as well at four tomorrow you've got-."

"Yeah, I know." Nell snapped before smiling sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It's calm, just don't forget or they'll have my head on a stick again."

Here's the thing. Nell and Gene lived with their Aunt. Who was workoholic prime suspect #1 and was in a different country on every day ending in y. So it was just them two, and since Gene was older - he got the shit. "Yeah, yeah. I wouldn't want you to shit your knickers again."

NELL, finn nelsonWhere stories live. Discover now