Start from the beginning

"Good Morning, and I've heard from you lot this weekend." Ignatius said and glanced at Jeanette. "I hope Miss Miller is fine."

Brittany, Eleanor, and Jeanette blinked simultaneously.

Ignatius sighed. "Rule #2, do not call either of the girls 'Miss Miller'."

"So what's rule 1?" Alvin asked.

Ignatius smiled. "Don't call you boys 'Mr. Seville'. I believe it will only cause confusion. And that reminds me, this should include your father, yes?"

Alvin acted like he doesn't care, Theodore shrugged, and Simon pondered.

"I've been noticing." Ignatius started another topic. "That Brittany is often wearing sunglasses inside the classroom. May you take it off so I could see your beautiful eyes?"

Almost all of The Gifted almost vomited, except for Theodore who just agreed with the statement of his teacher and later confused as to why his brothers and friends are acting as if disgusted.

"I don't mean it that way. If your former principal doesn't reciprocate Alvin's infatuation, courtesy of her marriage, then so do I."

Eleanor merely focused on the 'Alvin's infatuation' part. "Savage." She muttered.

"How'd you know that?" Alvin looked at his teacher in a suspicious way, which Brittany noticed.

"Miss Smith told me. Getting to trouble in purpose to see the Principal. I say a common tactic."

Alvin scowled. His teacher's getting arrogant.

"So may Miss Brittany Miller take off her glasses?"

Brittany did so, revealing her normal, nothing with bloodshot, blue eyes.

"Thank you Brittany."

"I hate him." Alvin said.

"Give him a chance, Alvin." Simon said as he fixed his glasses.

"Yeah, Alvin. He seems nice."

"He knew something." Alvin muttered.

"What's that?"


"New lesson, everyone. It's going to be about auras and emotions."

"Didn't we talk about brains last time?" Eleanor asked out of nowhere. "Why suddenly into auras and emotions?"

"Well believe it or not, auras and emotions are especially connected to the brain."

"I know that." Simon said with confusion.

Brittany looked around, and suddenly everything is a confusion.

Alvin wears red, yes. But the only difference is that like he's being hit by red light. He seemed to be glaring at their teacher too.

Jeanette looked yellow despite wearing all purple clothes. Simon looked orange despite wearing blue. Theodore looked purple even if he's wearing green. Eleanor had her chin on her palm, pink swarming her body.

Brittany rolled her eyes at Eleanor's smitten look at the wall and just looked at the professor, who just so happened to be green even if he's wearing yellow.

"We often react based on the choices of our brains. Flight or fight. Or emotions, or whatever. Since our brain hadn't reach its full capacity, there's still hidden talents within us." He glanced at Jeanette warily. Alvin scowled once more.

"And clearly, your facial expression says either you're happy, bored, angry, confused, or just...smitten." He glanced at Simon and Jeanette at the word 'happy', at Alvin at the word 'angry', at Brittany at the word 'bored', Theodore at the word 'confused' and Eleanor at the word 'smitten'.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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