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"You may go."

Jeanette nodded. "Ok sir." Then proceeded to exit. However, before she could open the door on the way out, the principal stopped her.

"Jeanette." He called. Jeanette turned to him curiously.

"Do you...want to tell me anything?"

Beat. Beat. Beat.

"No, Principal Fernandez. Why?"

"Nothing, nothing. You could go."

When the Chipmunks and the Chipettes started a new year, they somehow expected chaos.

But, not this kind of chaos.

"She's seeing the past."

"It's like...everyone just have colors with them." She groaned and held her eyes. "Ow. My eyes really hurt."

"Everyone hates me." He sighed. "They hate me for excelling them in...everything. Even my own brother hates me." The Munk looked down to the ground. "Only you and Dave continue to support me for what I want. Thanks for helping me."

His teacher smiled. "Anytime for the little prodigy."

"He found something on my sweat."

"What's it?" Alvin was curious and he knows it. He sat down beside the blonde chipette and listened intently.

The blonde looked at Alvin with despair in her eyes.


"Stop the nightmare!" The brunette shouted, his hands stuck on his cheeks. "Please! Stop it! I want a normal- normal life!"

He pressed his face against the pillow, his blanket thrown on his small body.

"I just...want to close my eyes."

"Jeanette, please!"

Alvin held Jeanette's wrist. Jeanette closed her eyes, tears almost flowing due to the pain she's feeling.

"Tell me!" Alvin commanded.

Jeanette flinched.

"If you won't, everything could be worse!" Alvin convinced, trying to guilt-trip Jeanette. "Anything could happen, you could lose everything."

Jeanette's tears started to come out slowly, and Alvin checked the monitor.

"Jeanette, tell me what you saw back there."

"Hey, Alvin. Surprised?"

Alvin's mouth twitched in anger.


The Chipmunks and the Chipettes unknowingly entered something special...and dangerous.

As strange things keep happening to the six, secrets will be revealed about the school, about the staff, about...Dave...about themselves.

They will unravel mysteries behind a prestigious program that'll help them reach their full potentials. The program's name?

The Gifted.

The girl looked at Miss Smith with a smirk on her face.

"Don't worry Miss Smith, I'll find out what's going on with The Gifted."

The Gifted, coming out in December 1st of 2021.

Oh, and there's the classic line.


And that's it for the trailer!

It will come out exactly at December 1st, though time is uncertain - as always.

I'll let you guess who am I referring to in the trailers.

People who guess it right will get mentioned in the next chapter. Don't worry, no scam here.

EDIT: 5 Previews, because I'm bored

1. Sibling Rivalry
2. Slight Shipping
3. New Characters
4. Law-Breaking (Mentioned and Showed)
5. Weird Habits


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