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Clarrisse: gets kidnapped by mortals who drugged her
Mortal, via megaphone. :Give us that ransome and we'll let her live.
Percy, via megahone: Don't you dare kill them!
Mortal: We won't if you give us the money.
Percy: I wasn't talking to you. Clarrise, don't you dare!

Percy: We need information.
Jazz: We can look into the future. 
Percy: the Oracle is back on earth.
Jazz: Using this. Holds up mason jar with the contents of a can of every flavor monster, three redbulls, eighteen caffine pills, coffee grounds, and six five hour energys.

Random Guardian: Percy! I need to go back to Marvel 616!
Percy: Why?
Random Guardian: I need to know what would happen if Groot tried to speak Spanish. Would he say "Yo soy Groot." Or "I am Groot." But it means Spanish!
Percy: drags Random Guardian through the portal. Be back by dinner!

"'!" Jazz grinned, each word followed by a bounce on the hotel bed. 
"Yay! Theivery!" Yelled Sophie, daughter of Hermes.
"No!" Midori, daughter of Demeter cried. "How would you even get it out of the hotel anyway."

Three chapters later. 
"Hey Jazz, Percy needs you- Why do you have two beds?" 
"Wheeeeee!" Jazz and Sophie cheered. "Bouncy!"

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