I regret nothing.

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Jazz, appearing from nowhere in the middle of a heavily secured location during an Order of The Phoenix: Yo! Lonely good boi. Remember- Stop screaming!
Everyone but Sirius who just remembered meeting her during a tequila induced mission for pretzel sticks: Who are you?
Jazz: Sometimes an asset, mostly a liability. Now, Sirius, remember that locket I said was on loan from Satan. Not a joke turns out. 

Vivian: I just ended a four year relationship. 
Jackie: Are you okay?
Vivian: Oh yeah, it wasn't my relationship. 

Clarrisse, sitting down next to the fire: Sorry I was late. I was doing...things. 
Travis, running up to Percy: She pushed me off a fucking cliff!

Markus: I would like to offer you moral support but I have questionable morals. 

Conner: Bad things keep happening to me. Maybe I just have bad luck or something. 
Clarrisse: You don't have bad luck. 
Conner, waiting for the shoe to drop: I don't. 
Clarrisse: Of course not. Bad things happen to you because you're a dumbass. 

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