"Oh yeah, moms is it okay if we go," he asked Stef and Lena 

"Fine but your homework has to be done before we  go," Lena said 

"Sounds good, thank you," he told them

"Thank you  thank you, I can't wait," I said hugging them which caused them to laugh a little 


 Mariana, Lexi, and I  were walking to class since Jesus has detention for the rest of the week

"Poor guy how long does he have dentition for?" Lexi asked us once we told her about it which made me suspicious

"All week, what do you care? Do you like him?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and my arms crossed 

" No, I would never do that to you. I just feel sorry for him, what's with you?" She replied

"Uh-Huh sure," I responded

"Well I for one feel bad enough about it, so if we could drop it," Mariana told us

"Okay but you really don't have to. Think about all the times you covered for him. He'll be fine" Lexi told her.

"Look Mariana, I love you but I think what you did was extremely stupid and that your feelings are validated but I mean what are you gonna do what's done is done, "I told her while rubbing her shoulder.  

 I then waved and blew a kiss to Jesus since we were outside the detention room and he pretended to quickly catch it and put it in his pocket before the teacher saw he then bit his lip and gave me a smile which made me do the same before I walked away to class.


I was playing volleyball when a ball landed right in front of me and Jesus came over

"Very weak babe."I jokingly told him

"Hey, I missed you. It sucks being in detention" He told me with a smile

" I missed you too and I'm sorry you have to be in there." 

"Hey tomorrow at 2'a clock  meet me by the lifeguard stand, I'm gonna have Douglas let me out to the bathroom because I don't think I'm gonna last if I don't see you." 

"Ok sounds like a plan," I said giving him a quick peck on the lips 

He was about to say something but Lena came out of nowhere and called him over to talk to him.


After school, I helped my parents set the table for dinner since Jesus was coming over with Lena and Stef since my parents wanted to catch up with them as well.

"So son how have you been ?" My dad asked Jesus

"I've been good Mr.Jimenez" Jesus responded with a smile 

"How many times have I told you to call me Pedro." my dad said with a laugh "and me Mia." My mom added

"Right sorry," he said sheepishly

"So Stef, Lena I hear you took in two kids is that right?" My mom asked them

"Yes Callie and Jude" Lena responded

"Well I applaud both of  you, I think it's amazing that you're doing that and I wish I had you'lls' strength I mean we can barely handle the two we have." My mom said with a laugh at the end.

"Thank you, Mia, I mean it's certainly been very hectic with two more people but we make it work," Stef told my mom

"I'm glad to hear that and how's Mariana's quinceanera planning going?" my mom asked

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