Cross Testing: Scp 2264-6 with Scp 999

Start from the beginning

Dr.Raven Crow: (laughing) Hey.....No....stop it...that tickles!

(Dr.Raven Crow is seen falling over as she laughs hysterically at which time Dr. Raven Crow tendrils form scaring Scp 999 whom promptly forms small stubby legs for the first time and runs into a corner whimpering.)

(Note this is the first time Scp 999 has formed legs unto which it then traveled apon. Or shown fear.)

Dr.Raven Crow: Girls! Don't scare him! It's okay sweetie they won't hurt you. They just wanted to play too.

(Scp 999 stops whimpering but dose not move. Dr.Raven Crow tendrils coo softly and begin swaying gentle. Scp 999 makes a small movement forward carefully observing Dr.Crow tendrils. They then promptly lay down the remaining Neco Wafers and wait patiently. Scp 999 jumps atop them and quickly consumes them, while watching the tendrils carefully. Dr.Raven Crow tendrils then proceed to brush the back of her neck making her laugh.)

Dr.Raven Crow: (laughing) Girls! Don't you dare!

(Scp 999 is seen jumping up and down for a moment making excited noises. The tendrils repeat the action prompting Scp 999 to join Dr.Raven Crows tendrils in tickling her.)

(After a standard period of time in which Scp 999 engaged in a tickle fight. Dr.Crow falls in to a peaceful slumber with Scp 999 sleeping beside her. However when personal entered the chamber to retrieve Scp 999 it resisted wishing to stay with Dr.Crow. This was permitted following a meeting among senior staff as Dr.Crow had been experiencing a depression since Scp 049 departure. She was then interviewed with Scp 999 present.)

Post experiment Interview 999-2264-6-1

Interviewer: Dr. Jack Bright.
Interviewing: Dr. Raven Crow.

Dr. Bright: Are we taping yet....we are God finally. Raven how are we feeling now.

Dr.Raven Crow: Peaceful and content. Best sleep I have had in a long time, despite the horrible dream.

Dr.Bright: Really? Could you tell me more? I have coffee for you. No! Scp 999! No, no here I have juice. Yes there we go.

(Dr.Crow laughs as Scp 999 pouts but drinks the grape juice given to it. Dr.Crow takes a long drink before answering.)

Dr.Crow: I was safe...they were afriad of him.

Dr.Bright: Afriad? Of Scp 999....Your sure?

Dr.Crow: Positive. I could feel them on the out skirts of the dream waiting to see if Scp 999 would leave but he didn't. The dream was horrible though, and it didn't make any sense.

Dr.Bright: Wanna tell papa Bright all about it.

Dr.Crow: There was a young girl, she was screaming. There were men hurting her in a sterile room. Sorry it is hard to remember it is kinda fuzzy.

(Dr.Crow takes a deep breath and closes her eyes before she contuines.)

Dr.Crow: She was so young Jack just a teenager I think and in so much agony. So many just watched it....I..belive..she was pregnant.

(Dr.Crow begins to cry.)

Dr.Bright: You can feel other emotions beside happiness?

Dr.Raven: (sniffling and nodding) of I not supposed to?

Dr.Bright: When in the presence of Scp 999 people have only report an intense feeling of happiness and contentment.

Dr.Raven Crow: Oh? Umm...sorry. (laughing)

(Scp 999 yawns stomach grumbling again.)

Dr.Bright: Wench bring us more food!
(Dr.Right enters and pinches Dr.Bright before
placing a bucket of candy down for Scp 999)Ouch! No violence in front of the kiddo!

(Scp 999 moves to the bucket and begin to rapidly consume the M&M and Skittles mixture.)

Dr.Crow: He is just a baby, isn't he?

Dr.Bright: Yes. During testing you spoke of Scp 999 mother, was there anything else he mentioned.

Dr.Crow: No, not really he just misses her.

Dr.Bright: Why did you start singing?

Dr.Crow: I don't know....I just knew it was time for him to grow. It was like the time with the little sprout, I just had to help. Oh my I think some one is done today.

( Scp 999 was found to asleep, food half consumed in the bucket. He was promptly brought back to his holding cell. Dr.Raven Crow had no more to add.)

End of Interview.

(Note: Scp 999 has asked to see Dr.Crow numerous time since their first encounter, wishing to play and be in her presence. Dr.Crow has been told and is scheduling sometime free to spend with Scp 999.)

(Note: It is concerning that Dr.Crow may have infact have witnessed part of procedure (redacted). A close eye is to be kept on her. Any sign of mental distress due to this incident is to be reported to Dr.Gears or Dr.Bright at once.)

(Note: I believe it is worth exploring Scp 999 effects on Dr. Raven Crows dream state. It may be a viable option in keeping her safe. More testing to be requested.)

Request approved - 01 of 05

SCP 2264-6: Dr.Raven CrowWhere stories live. Discover now