Cross Testing: Scp 2264-6 with Scp 999

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Cross testing Request made by Dr.Bright and Dr.Narváez
Approved by site command and over seen by Dr.Gears.

Begin Test

(Scp 999 was brought to testing Chamber 20 and released into the cell with Dr.Raven Crow
already awaiting it's arrival.)

(Once Scp 999 sees Dr. Raven Crow it begins to bounce excitedly much like when it was given a caffeinanted drink.)

Dr.Raven Crow squeals in pure delightment

Dr. Raven Crow: OH MY GOD IT IS SO CUTE! I just wanna squish it!

(Dr. Raven Crow takes a moment to collect herself and waits for Scp 999 to stop bouncing off the walls.)

Scp 999: (makes excited gurgling noises.)

Dr.Raven Crow: Hello to you too sweetie.

(Scp 999 quickly makes it's way to Dr. Raven Crow and hugs her with is pseudopods arms. It then quickly advances up her body coming to rest on her shoulders. Dr.Raven Crow is then seen to cry for a moment.)

(To date Dr.Crow is the only person to express such emotion in the presents of Scp 999.)

Scp 999: (makes whimpering noses)

Dr.Raven Crow: No, no sweet heart it is alright you didn't do anything wrong. I just miss him so much and that smell.....makes my heart hurt.

Scp 999: (Seems to pat Dr.Crow on her head while cooing affectionately. It then makes a series of gibbering noises.)

Dr.Raven Crow: You miss your mommy? What happened to her?

Scp 999: (makes more noises before whimpering and shaking slightly.)

Dr.Raven Crow: oh hunny I'm sorry.

(Scp 999 Clings to Dr.Crow head while gibbering loudly.)

Dr.Raven Crow: Sometimes when we really love some one you have to let them go. She knew you would safe here, that everyone here would take of you.

(Note: Post testing Dr.Crow was asked if she could understand Scp 999, her response was of course can't you?)

Dr.Gears: Dr.Crow please end this line of questioning.

Dr.Raven Crow: Okay? Mmmmmm, God that smells wonderful.

(Note: Dr.Raven Crow has said at this time Scp 999 began to smell like the best fucking cup of coffee ever.)

(Scp 999 stays atop Dr.Raven Crow shoulders resting it's "head" atop hers. Dr.Raven Crow is then seen humming and swaying softly.)

(Note: Dr.Raven Crow was humming the same tune she has in past instances where she is seen 'giving life' to plants.)

(Scp 999 was observed over a period of hour doubling in size atop Dr. Crow. When personal were asked why they did not put a stop to it, all present seemed to have been reduced a comatose like state, where they relived the happiest moments of their lives. Upon Dr.Crow stopping all staff memeber woke up.)

(A low grumble noise is then heard. Followed but Scp 999 rubbing it abdomen.)

Dr.Raven Crow: (laughing) Hungry? Let me see if I can get you some food?

(Dr Gears allows reaserchers to bring in a pack of neco wafers and hand it to Dr. Raven Crow.)

Dr.Raven Crow: Ewwww. Your sure he likes them? Alright.

Dr.Raven Crow proceeds to feed neco wafers to Scp 999 who has not moved from it's place around her neck.

Scp 999: (makes gibbering noises of contentment.)

SCP 2264-6: Dr.Raven CrowWhere stories live. Discover now