vhope- finally

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Where tae and hobi have been dating for over 5 years but hobi has struggled with an image problem. He's always been afraid to show his body to anyone. Even the one he loves most. Things take an interesting turn however after hobi has finished his therapy and is determined to come out of his shell.

WARNING: very emotional and extremely soft🤧 ....until it's not ifykwim🌝 Enjoy🌝

-7782 words

"Hey babe what movie did we say we were gonna watch again" tae beckoned turning his head slightly in the direction of their bedroom hoping his lover heard him clearly.

A few moments passed with no answer just a low grunt and shuffling being heard from where he sat on the couch.

Slightly worried, he set the remote down and walked towards the bedroom door, shuffling still being heard.

"Baby, you okay in there" tae called from behind the door, knowing full well not to just barge in on the other male.

"Yeah taetae 'm fine" he heard being yelled back after another low grunt.

"Okay baby, come out when you're done okay, I'll wait for you before choosing the movie" tae responded, making his way back to the couch.

It's been this way for years and tae has learned to accept it and love his baby regardless. Hoseok has always had an image problem, even before tae ever came into his life.

Growing up, hoseok faced a whole lot, being degrading, body shamed, humiliated, outcasted, being bullied, basically everything that was bad, this poor boy experienced it. He was constantly blamed for things he couldn't even control, like being born, his parents going away and being gay.

Constantly, he was beaten, belittled and thrown aside that it became a way of life to him. It became the norm.

This barely 12 year old child, being forced to hate himself, simply because he was born, simply because he had an attraction to the same gender, simply because he breathed.

Cutting himself became a stress reliever, until it wasn't. It became an addiction. Cutting various areas of his body simply to resist the urge to masturbate, having being told that it was an abomination, along with any sexual activity in general. Hence why he was now a 25 year old man and still a virgin, in more ways than one.

Hoseok was cutting himself, simply to fall asleep at night, cutting himself to prevent an anxiety attack. Hoseok was cutting for everything and anything, adding scars of his own to the numerous ones put there by his family and those around him.

His body wasn't a temple in his eyes, rather a disgrace and a mistake, and so he treated it as such.

When hoseok turned sixteen his mother found a gay magazine that he had stolen from a magazine stand at a store and hidden in his closet. She was absolutely livid. He was beaten for a whole week, new lashes and bruises being added to the countless many that already occupied his body. But even through all this, hobi was numb, every strike to his naked back and thighs, every degrading word that left their mouth as they beat him and even as his sister watched without intervening, jung hoseok was numb to it all.

They had finally broke him, he had finally lost his will to live.

He had nothing and no one.

So he did it.

He made the final cut, the one that would end his suffering, set him free from his cruel life.

So as he layed there on the tile of his tiny excuse of a bathroom, blood pulsing through his veins and straight onto the tile, he reminisced. He reminisced on all the misfortunes of his life. How he was dealed the worst card. Having a family who despised him, treated him like garbage, promoted the idea that he should get shitted on, he remembered how his parents purposefully, after dropping him off on his first day of highschool told everyone he was a faggot and that they should treat him as such.

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